Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – July 12, 2021


Larry R. Titzer to Benjamin J. Titzer. NE NW s6, t6s, r6w, six acres; NE NW s6, t6s, r6w, 50.35 acres.

Larry R. Titzer to Douglas J. Titzer, Benjamin J. Titzer, and Brent A. Titzer. Pt. SW SW s36, t5s, r7w, 60.30 acres; Pt. SE SE s35, t5s, r7w, 60.30 acres; Pt. NW NW s1, t6s, r7w, 60.30 acres, Boonville.

Bernard J. Klem to Hip Acres, LLC. Pt. NW s28, t4s, r4w, 77.153 acres; Pt. SE SW s21, t4s, r4w, 77.153 acres.

Louis V. Graham and Levi J. Graham to Ernest Scott and Shari Lynn Hutcheson. SW s32, t7s, r7w, 3.08 acres, Rockport.

Waylon J. and Erin N. Sisley to Caleb Bettag and Emma K. Hanebutt. SE NE s21, t6s, r5w, 1.836 acre, Grandview.

Paul Kyle to Kimberly K. Fink. Lot 321, Holly Shores 11th Add., Santa Claus.