Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – June 6, 2023


The Life Estate of Norma Foertsch to Elijah Foertsch. NW NW s26, t5s, r4w, 10 acres.

Aaron William and Rachel Katherine Michael to Jordan S. and Rikki Brie-yon Esarey. Lot 57, Santa Fairway 8th Sub., Santa Claus.

Shaun M. Begle and Kristina J. Lucas to Beth Ann and Marcial G. Wood. Lot 181, Carol Hills 3rd Sub., Santa Claus.

Vogel Seed Farm, Inc. to Klay M. Stevenson. W 1/2 SE s28, t6s, r6w, 0.600 acre.

Darrell A. and Linette M. Peter to D&L Peter Newtonville I, LLC. S 1/2 NE s11, t6s, r5w, 76 acres.

Gabriela A. Morrison Blanchard to James and Laura Roberts. E 1/2 NE NE s27, t7s, r7w, 1.500 acre.

Roy S. Patterson to Timothy G. Griggs. Pt. OL 79, Wrights & Griffins Don.