Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – March 14, 2023


Earle S. Richard to the Earle S. Rickard Irrevocable Income-only Trust and Nicholas W. Rickard, trustee. Pt. NE NW s9, t7s, r7w, 1.144 acres; Pt. NE NW s9, t7s, r7w, 2.457 acres.  

Loretta M. Underhill to John B and Candace J. Howard. Lots 51 and 54, LG Smith Add., Rockport.

Mary Lillian and Raymond E. Shively to Steven A. Lindauer. Pt. s19, t7s, r6w, 62.794 acres.

Jeffrey A. and Janelle L. Maurer to Abby Victoria and Anthony Scott Vogt. Pt. NE NE s30, t7s, r6w, 1.151 acres, Rockport.

A. Fuller LLC to David J. Brandmeyer. Lot 19, Medcalf Add., Dale.

Stanley A. and Lissa Kaszynski to Wayne S. and Vallery M. Kessens. Lot 174, Carol Hills 3rd Sub.

Thomas L. Smith to Spencer County Habitat for Humanity, Inc. Pt. s26, t7, r6w, Rockport.

LCN Realty LLC to Blake R. and Denise Bunner. Lot 5, William R. Hynes Donation.

Vicki R. Simmons and Marsha J. Wells, co-personal representatives for the Estate of Patsy R. Lashley to Lisa M. and David M. Ling, Pt. SE SW s36, t6, r7w, one acre; Pt. SE SW s36, t6, r7w, one acre.

Ronald and Doris Bingle to Jorge L. Ramos Huerta. Pt. SE s15, t7, r6w, 8.30 acres; N 1/2 s22, ts, r6w, 14.55 acres.

Robert D. Talbott to Jay D. and Lisa M. Harvey. W 1/2 SE s13, t6, r5, 45 acres off S end.