Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – May 30, 2023


Kevin A. Schutzius to Michael W. and Samantha J. Wilkerson. Pt. NW s7, t6s, r3w, 4.40 acres; W 1/2 s7, t6s, r3w, 33.48 acres.

Stacy Tenace and Patrick E. Nance, Jr. to Darlene A. Brown and John R. Metzler. Pt. NW SW s17, t4s, r5w; Pt. SW SW s7, t4s, r5w, 5.336 acres.

Kenneth L. and Michele L. Will to Bridget M. Miller. Lots 33 and 34, Walnut Place, Santa Claus.

James J. and Stacey D. Heying to Michael Foley. Lots 95, 96 and 97, Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.

Mildred M. and Charles E. (deceased) Highfill to Richard Terry Evans. W 1/2 Lot 86, Town of St. Meinrad.

Harvey A., III. and Candice M. Moore to C323, LLC. SE NW s11, t5s, r5w, 2.11 acres.

Christopher and Natashia Camerron to Ben and Courtney Hawkins. S 1/2 SW s14, t6s, r7w, two acres.

Rita Balbach to Dakoda Ebert and Madison Hagedorn. Lots 38, 39 and 40, Wedekings Sub.

Waninger Family, LLC to Jody Davis. NW SW s33, t5s, r5w, 40 acres; SW NW s22, t5s, r5w, 40 acres; NE SE s21, t5s, r5w, 40 acres.

Robert C. and Deborah A. Scott to Shesly Milsoit and Magda Fonvert. Lot 209, Holly Shores 5th Sub.

Carla and Mark Bohleber to Noah Miller. Lot 287, 288 and 289, Noel Shores 6th Sub., Santa Claus.

Carole P. Lashley to John R. and Karen L. Williams. NW NE s3, t7s, r7w, 1.21 acre, Richland.

The Schmutzler Family Joint Primary Trust, by Suzanne and John Schmutzler (trustees), to Sky High Development Properties, LLC. W 1/2 NW s17, t4s, r5w, 21.532 acres.