Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – May 9, 2023


Paul Victor and Viola Masterson to Brandon Masterson. SW SE s18, t6s, r5w, 7.74 acres, Grandview.

Melissa Anne Ward f/k/a Melissa Anne Kern to Richard and Ryan Griebelbauer. Lot 15, Holly Shores 5th Sub., Santa Claus.

The Estate of Annette M. Gunselman, by Sarah Ewart (personal representative), to Sarah Ewart. Lot 80, Evergreen 10th, Santa Claus.

Alexander and Stephanie Jessee, by Benjamin Jessee (attorney in fact), to Lockridge Family Farms, LLC. Pt. SE NW s36, t6s, r7w, 0.6 acre.

William J. and Jacque L. Bunner to Martin Gabriel Espinosa-Culebro. 410 W Hammond Street, Dale.

Berton and Kimberly Bryant to Crystal G. McBride. Pt. OL 85, Mosleys & Griffins Don., Rockport.