Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – November 10, 2023


Jeffrey Lynn Mayo to Ray and Kelsey Sauter. N 1/2 W 1/2 SE s26, t6s, r5w, 15 acres; SW SE s26, t6s, r5w, five acres, Grandview.

Carol Goodman Ruzicka to Atonia T. Goodman. Pt. NE SE s33, t6s, r6w, Rockport.

Douglas P. and Sonya L. Meador to Norbert and Marilyn Kempf. Pt. s8, t7s, r5w, 1.272 acres, Grandview.

Travis Dewitt to Tyler S. Oliver. Pt. NW NW s35, t5s, r5w, 7.609 acres.

John and Cynthia Jarocki to Christina and Fredrick J. Rudolph. Lot 186 and Pt. Lot 185, Reindeer 7th Sub., Santa Claus.

David J. Lueking to Jason and Brooke Blair. Lot 102-D, Fairway Pines Condominium, Santa Claus.

Marilyn I. Harpenau (1/5 interest) and Carol J. Waniger (1/5 interest) to Alice D. Lindauer. E 1/2 NE SW s3, t4s, r4w, 20 acres; E 1/2 SE SW s3, t4s, r4w, 8.77 acres; Pt. SE SW s3, t4s, r4w, 5.47 acres; NW SE s3, t4s, r4w, 40 acres.

David J. Roos to C323, LLC. Lot 1, Gabriel Medcalf’s Add.

Carol Ann Martin to Christopher S. and Angelena M. Hess. Pt. SW s14, t5s, r6w, 5.12 acres, Gentryville.

Seth Yates to Kija and Joshua Ireland. Lot 92, Evergreen 10th.