Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – November 29, 2021


Michelle R. Brockman to Brent A. and Cynthia Bettag Smith. Pt. NE SW s14, t4s, r5w, 7.79 acres.

Jane A. and G. Keith Connor to Matthew T. and Amber N. Schaefer. Pt. SE NW s17, t4s, r5w, 0.76 acre.

Matthew T. and Amber N. Schaefer to Jane A. and G. Keith Connor. Pt. SE NW s17, t4s, r5w, 2.5 acres.

Don Willis, Sr. to J&T Truck and Autoparts, LLC. Pt. NE SW s17, t4s, r5w, Dale.

Robert and Diana Kay Hildenbrand to Diana Kay Hildenbrand. Pt. SW SE s32, t6s, r7w, 1.00 acre; Pt. NW SE s32, t6s, r7w, 1.00 acre, Richland.

Linda Lou Risley and Dannie Jo Risley (deceased), by Melissa J. Matos (attorney-in-fact), to Bernard Anthony and Rosemarie Porambo. Lot 217, Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.