Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – October 10, 2022


John H. and Victoria J. Keller to Garret J. Keller. Pt. NE s3, t4s, r5w, 14.48 acres; Pt. NE s3, t4s, r5w, 11.27 acres.

Michael Riley to Johnathon W. Patmore. Lot 110, Reindeer 7th Sub., Santa Claus.

Timothy W. and Deanna L. Dayhuff to Cameron and Katlynn Fischer. Lot 187, Carol Hills 3rd Sub., Santa Claus.

Regina Saffel to Molly Dalean Blake, Donald Steponik and Dalean M. Steponik. W 1/2 of the W 1/2 SE s6, t8s, r6w, 1.5 acre.

Earl and Carol Schnell to David W. Schaad. Pt. NE SE s18, t7s, r6w, 1.00 acre, Rockport.

William Mattingly to Todd D. Grundhoefer. Lot 86, Santa Fairway 8th Sub.

Helmstead, LLC to Richard Jay and Shawnda Bickel. N 1/2 Lot 84, Wrights & Griffins Don., 0.307 acre.

Michelle L. Still to Marcus Simmons. Pt. NW NW s34, t5s, r6w, 9.692 acres, Gentryville.

Robert F. Whitten, Jr. to the Robert F. Whitten, Jr. Revocable Trust, by Robert F. Jr. and Karen S. Whitten (trustees). Pt. SE SW SW s3, t6s, r5w, 0.50 acre.

Michael D. II and Jamie M. Toler to Bradley Joseph and Samantha Erin Schneider. Pt. NW NE s31, t7s, r6w, 1.2 acre, Rockport.

Frank and Sharon Gieselmann to Melinda Swallow. Inlot 33, William R. Hynes Don.