Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – October 25, 2021


Joshua A. and Audra R. Henke to Kimberly L. Estes. Lot 202, Noel Shores 6th Sub., Santa Claus.

Robert E. and Jean W. Schlachter to Joesette Braun. Pt. NE NE SE s12, t5s, r5w, five acres, Lamar.

Town of Richland to Ron Smith. Pt. Lots 26 and 27, Lake Realty Co. Add., Richland.

Kimberly A. Rudolph to Rebecca J. Darling. Lot 77, Melchoir 1st Sub., Santa Claus.

Heath M. and Brittany S. Scherzer to Audra R. and Joshua A. Henke. Pt. SE SW SW s1, t4s, r4w, 5.00 acres, Ferdinand.

David Hughes to Jeffrey D. and Tamara L. Hume. Lots 5 and 6 in Block 15, Lamar Greer & Rays Survey, Grandview.

Angela R. Hill to Travis B. and Danielle L. Shelton. Lot 252, January 1st Sub.