Home News Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – October 31, 2022

Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – October 31, 2022


William Vogt to Luke Biamonte. S14, t6, r5, 47 rods south of NW corner, Grandview.

Shane Lamar Oxford to Gary Jr. and Casie Lee Howard. Pt. SE SE s10, t6s, r4w, 0.95 acre, Evanston.

Brian and Rachel Isabell to Tyler M. Isabell. Pt. SW SE s11, t7s, r7w, Richland, 1.18 acres.

Joshua M. and Kristina M. Garrett to Ellen Scamahorn. Pt. s22, t7s, r6w, Rockport, 0.40 acre.

Evansville Boat to Gary M. and Margaret L. Boswell. NW corner s11, t8s, r7w of fractional 46 acres; Pt. s3, t8s, r7w; Pt. s10, t8, r7, 39.75 acres.

Cynthia Ann Parsley to Michael Ray and Marshal E. Neal. E1/2 SW s34, t7, r7, 64 acres.

Michael Ray and Marsha E. Neal to Robert Reid Jr. and Cindy Ann Parsley. Pt. NE s4, t8, r7, 1.025 acres.

Gavin Fella to Matthew R. and Nicole L. Waggoner.  Pt. NW SE s13, t6, r5, 5.09 acres.

PHH Mortgage Corporation to Richard D. and Kathy A. Moseley. S 1/2 NE SW s18, t7, r6; Pt. NW SW s18, t7, r6, 3.75 acres in combined tracts.

Patricia Irene Douglas by Bruce Douglas, her attorney in fact to Taylor M. Klem, s17, t4, r5, 5/16 acre, Dale.

Donald W. and Staci L. Jones to Christine Martin. Lots 114 and 139, Santa Fairway, 8th Sub., CLV, Santa Claus.

Gregory Dane Sitzman to Kyle Reid Market. Lot 2, L G Smith Add.