Spring Mill State Park to celebrate Gus Grissom weekend, July 17-18


Spring Mill State Park is celebrating Gus Grissom Weekend this Saturday and Sunday, July 17 and July 18, with a host of memorial events honoring the astronaut, who was the second American to fly in space and was born and raised in Mitchell.

Space-related activities for children, a Gus artifacts table, guided tours of the Gus Grissom Memorial, and the following activities will provide a weekend of discovery:

• On Saturday, the Hoosier Hills Ham Club will operate a special-event amateur radio station, W9GUS, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Gus Grissom Memorial.

• Ray E. Boomhower, author of Gus Grissom: The Lost Astronaut, will speak at the Grissom Memorial at 1 p.m. and be available for book signing and conversation afterward.

• The National Association of Rocketry group, Count Down Cardinals, will launch model rockets at the Sycamore Shelter at different times throughout the weekend.

• The Grissom Boyhood Home in the town of Mitchell, located 6 minutes west of Spring Mill, will offer tours of the home where Gus grew up. Open 11 a.m.-4 p.m. on Saturday and 1-4 p.m. on Sunday.

For more information on this and other upcoming events, contact Spring Mill State Park at 812-849-3534 or email [email protected].

Spring Mill State Park (on.IN.gov/springmillsp) is at 3333 State Road 60 East, Mitchell, 47446.