Court News – July 23, 2019


Marriage Licenses

Patrick Russell Rice to Jennifer E. Christian, both of Chrisney.

Jonathan Eric Nelson to Kristie Nell Mitchell, both of Rockport.

Clinton Lee Wetzel to Marissa Lanee Neal, both of Rockport.

Nathan Russell Miller to Chelsie Nicole Staack, both of Rockport.

Dakota R. Kelley to Destiny Cheyenne Payne, both of Grandview.

Court News

Traffic and Other Violations

Speeding: Evan Eaton; Derek Rogier; Trenton Cook; Morgan Finch; Jacob Lauer; Brennen Wehr; Justin Adkins; Lyndsey Hobelmann; Meredith Bean; Kristen Hester; Shirley Sheridan; Stephen Cox; Makenna Gries; Micah Konkler; Douglas Matthews, $147; Jacob Loper; Lori Northern; Shubham Goel; Timothy Todrank, $157.

Operating With Expired Plates: Jennifer Gordon, $137.

Driving While Suspended: Matthew Harmon, $137.

Small Claims (New Suits)

Dhruv Patel vs Joe Keeps, complaint.

South Spencer School Corporation vs Mark and Lisa Rohrsheib, complaint.

Flint Hill Self Storage vs the following: Nicole W. Yettaw; Stephen Snyder; Jessica and Cory Thorpe; Gary Spinner, complaint.

Mean Muggin Movers, LLC vs Brandon Hay, complaint.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Makenzie L. Schmidt; Allen Englert, complaint.

Spencer County Bank vs Hailea Chatman, complaint.

Small Claims

Leather N Chrome, LLC vs Studio 13, LLC, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,100 plus costs and interest.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Katherine Richard, default judgment for plaintiff, $461.02 plus court costs and interest; Bryan J. Eckert, default judgment for plaintiff, $4,936.84 plus court costs and interest; Marla G. Dilger, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,448.80 plus court costs and interest; Ethan T. Edwards, default judgment for plaintiff, $6,000 plus court costs and interest; Amanda Wilkinson a/k/a Amanda R. Jones, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,492.09 plus court costs and interest; Heath A. Wheatley, default judgment for plaintiff, $5,663.77 plus court costs and interest.

Housing Authority of the City of Rockport vs Runisha Winstead, judgment for plaintiff, $1,619.85 plus costs.

Heath Acres vs Keith Cecil and Lisa Hewson, judgment for plaintiff, $2,714.25 plus costs and interest.

Rita Jochim Estate vs Scott Dilger, default judgment for plaintiff, $4,000 plus costs and interest.

Civil (New Suits)

CACH, LLC vs Jamie Bartlett, civil collection.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs the following: Randall Young; Adam Longenette, civil collection.

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs Jeanette M. Gilpatrick, civil collection.

Robert Jones vs State of Indiana, miscellaneous. 

In Re: The Ownership of Vehicle; Brett Krauskopf, miscellaneous.

Jefferson Capital Systems, LLC vs Mary Pepp, civil collection.

In Re: The Guardianship of Jenna Norrick; Bethany and Lucas Norrick, guardians.

In Re: The Guardianship of Audrey Norrick; Bethany and Lucas Norrick, guardians.


Midland Funding, LLC vs the following: Matthew Hill, default judgment for plaintiff, $2,587.76; Lisa Stepro, a/k/a Lisa Heyob, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,336.40.

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs Larry R. Scarbrough, dismissed without prejudice.

Criminal Misdemeanors (New Suits)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Leigha C. Burdin, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; inhaling toxic vapors.

Andrew S. Pennington, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more; operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; driving while suspended.

Brandon J. Vanhorn, driving while suspended.

Criminal Misdemeanors

State of Indiana vs the following:

Robbin A. Cronin, pled guilty to invasion of privacy, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in Spencer County Law Enforcement Center (SCLEC), with six days to serve and remaining 359 days suspended to reporting probation, shall not use or possess alcohol or controlled substances, submit to random drug/alcohol testing, no contact with Dustin T. Wilkerson or his immediately family, pay fines and costs.

Brian P. Bass, pled guilty to domestic battery, class A misdemeanor; operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more, level 6 felony; invasion of privacy, class A misdemeanor; and resisting law enforcement, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 1,277 days in Indiana Department of Correction, with credit for time served, leaving 420 days to serve in the SCLEC and remaining time suspended to 675 days supervised probation and 182 days unsupervised probation, driver’s license suspended 365 days, shall not use or possess alcohol or controlled substances, submit to random alcohol/drug testing, undergo evaluation by Southern Hills and comply with all treatment recommendations, obtain a high school diploma or its equivalency, attend one-time Victim Impact Session, complete Batterer’s Intervention Program, pay fines and costs.

Heath T. Helms, pled guilty to theft, class A misdemeanor; possession of methamphetamine, level 6 felony; and possession of paraphernalia, class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 730 days in IDOC, with credit for time served, leaving 140 days to serve in SCLEC and 590 days suspended to probation, shall not use or possess alcohol or controlled substances, submit to random alcohol/drug testing, undergo evaluation by Southern Hills and comply with all treatment recommendations, obtain high school diploma or its equivalency, pay fines and costs.

Criminal (New Suits)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Jacob L. Jones, attempted murder, criminal recklessness.

Parker K. Ogle, possession of marijuana.

Dominic S. Scott, battery resulting in moderate bodily injury.

James M. Weatherholt, miscellaneous criminal.

Bradley D. Littrell, criminal confinement, invasion of privacy.

Matthew A. Skimmerhorn, miscellaneous criminal.

Richard E. Henson, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more (two counts); operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; refusal to identify self; public intoxication.


State of Indiana vs the following:

Keifer A. McBee, found guilty of resisting law enforcement, level 6 felony, and operating while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 547 days supervised probation, driver’s license suspended 30 days, 100 hours community service, submit to alcohol/drug evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, attend Victim Impact Session, pay fines and costs.

Jacob M. Masterson, found guilty of criminal recklessness, level 6 felony; sentenced to 730 days in SCLEC, with six days to serve and remaining 724 days suspended to supervised probation, submit to alcohol/drug evaluation and comply with all treatment recommendations, no contact with victim, pay fines and costs.

Tia Fulks, found guilty of public voyeurism, level 6 felony; sentenced to one year supervised probation, complete 200 hours community service, pay fines and costs.

Real Estate Transfers

Virginia K. Fannin, by her attorney-in-fact Lisa K. Resler, to Robert A. Vanwinkle. Lots 4 and 5 and Pt. Lot 3, Heichelbach Sub., Dale.

Carol J. Henderson to Dennis and Stephanie Jo Dellamorta. Lot 90, Evergreen Add. 12th Sub., Santa Claus.

Joan G. Ramey to Travis C. and Jennifer L. Newton. NE NE s5, t8s, r6w, 14.825 acres; NE NE s5, t8s, r6w, 2.379 acres; NE NE s5, t8s, r6w, 11.45 acres, Rockport.

Erin Vaal and Nathan E. Picou to Jacob T. and Jamie L. Tempel. Lot 6, Meadows Sub.

Leslie F. Hamilton to Donald W. and Susan E. Harris. NE SE s9, t7s, r6w, one acre; N 1/2 SE s9, t7s, r6w, 1.10 acre.

James M. Hedinger to Gogel Properties, LLC. Pt. Lots 5 and 6, Original Dale.

W. Kevin and P. Lynn Brauns to Robin D. Herron. Lot 82, Wrights & Griffin Don.

Sharon M. Lange to Holly M. Lange. NE NE s18, t4s, r4w, 1.0 acre; SE NE s18, t4s, r4w, 1.0 acre.

Alexander T. Wilkerson to Clarence Charles Widmer. SW NW s19, t6s, r4w, 6.500 acres.

Debra and William Anderson-Cooper to Adam E. and Krista L. Jones. s30, t7s, r6w, 1.37 acre; s30, t7s, r6w, 5.77 acres.

Timothy Mack to Ricky D. and Susan E. Roos. Pt. Lot 162, JB Chrisney 4th Add.

Gary and Darlene Frobeter to John W. Jr. and Margaret Brady. NW SW s32, t7s, r6w, 8.92 acres; NW SW s32, t7s, r6w, 1.960 acre, Rockport.

Kari Lynn and Seth Joseph Johannemann to Caleb Israel and Sierra Nicole Hedges. NW NW s31, t5s, r6w, 1.1900 acre, Tennyson.

Cary Conner to Jordan Gehlhausen and Heith Simpson. Pt. Lot 37, William R. Hynes Don., Rockport.

Christina Edge Heckel to Andrew and Hannah E. Meadors. Lots 164 and 165, Noel Shores 6th Sub., Santa Claus.

Derrick and Laura Philipps to Zachary Rice. SW NE s3, t6s, r4w, 3.0 acres, Evanston.

Darrell L. and Alan H. Stephens to Ronnie K. Pfingston. Lots 21, 22, 20, 20 and 19, Town of Hatfield.