BMV Announces 2-Week Branch Closure and Available Out-of-Branch Options

Today Governor Eric J. Holcomb announced that beginning Tuesday, March 24 all state government offices will be closed to in-person public activity until at least April 7, 2020. This closure includes all Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) branches.

On March 19, 2020, Governor Holcomb issued Executive Order 20-05 which in part waived Administrative Penalty Fees (late fees). Today, he further ordered an automatic extension of all state-issued licenses and stated he will advise law enforcement to refrain from issuing citations for a driver’s license or registration that expires during this emergency. Effectively, this extends expiration dates of registrations, driver’s licenses, and identification cards without changing the expiration date printed on documents in an individual’s possession and waives late fees during a future renewal.

Several out-of-branch options are still available and Hoosiers are encouraged to complete transactions using the below services whenever possible. These services include:

-Online transactions through
-Contact Center
-Mail-in renewal

Additional information regarding out-of-branch services and branch closures can be found on the BMV’s COVID-19 Information and Updates webpage.

If you hold a Commercial Driver’s License, there are resources available on the BMV website including information from FMCSA. In addition, CDL holders are encouraged to reach out to the Contact Center with questions. The phone number is 888-692-6841and the lines are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The BMV website is updated regularly. You can read a full list of transactions available through online services, as well as resources on frequently asked questions and current business operations: