Dubois County Court News- October 13, 2020


Traffic Citations

Driving While Suspended: Virginia L. Miller; Amanda M. Carter, $141.

Speeding: Megan K. Taylor; Cody A. Reavis; Kimberly A. Sorrells; Timothy C. Lagenour; Xavier R. Moore; Philip A. Fleck; Brayden M. McElfresh; Devon E. Fawks; Allen W. Hatton; John R. Wagler; Nathan W. Norris; Vicky J. Hagan; Luis F. Nunez Martinez; Matthew E. Zachary; Joey J. Vest; Heather M. McBride, $141.

Expired Plates: April S. King, $141.

Failure to Obey Sings and Markings / Expired Plates: Daniel Adon Marshall, $141.

Seatbelt Violation: Steven S. Zehr; Steven L. Goeppner; Nicolle L. Cyrill; Kelly L. Allen; Lora L. Small; Jonathan D. Allen; Stanley J. Erny, $25.

Disregarding Stop Sign: Freddie Watson, $141.

Operating Off-Road Vehicle on Public Highway, Street or Right-of-Way: Gavin Howell, $141.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device or Flagman in Work Zone: Rolando Diaz-Rodriguez, $141.

Failure to Yield Left Turn: Julie L. Davis, $141.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device / Operating Motor Vehicle Without Financial Responsibility: Gregory A. Childree, $141.

No Valid Driver’s License: Wei Lin, $141.

Passing Stopped School Bus: Haley R. Clark, $141.

New Suits

State of Indiana vs Logan P. Parrott, miscellaneous civil.

Discover Bank c/o Discover Products, Inc. vs Delvis Martinez Fuentes, civil collection.

Citibank, N.A. vs the following: Rick Stenftenagel; Michael Woolsey, civil collection.

Darlene A. Boeglin vs Mark A. Boeglin and the Mark A. Boeglin Irrevocable Trust, civil plenary.

CVI SGP Acquisition Trust vs Yoslanki Marquez, civil collection.

Service Financial Company vs Scott Whitaker, civil collection

Hazel Leinenbach vs Bradley S. Leinenbach, domestic relations.

Jarret W. Buse vs Cassandra A. Johnson, domestic relations.

First Chicago Insurance Co. vs Charles Kline, miscellaneous civil.

Circuit Civil

Discover Bank vs Gary Spinka, default judgment for plaintiff, $15,037.70 plus costs and interest.

Brandon Divine vs Ashley Divine, marriage dissolved.

Megan D’Lee Elmore vs Brahms Josquin Elmore, marriage dissolved.

Synchrony Bank vs Bradley Tanner, dismissed.

Rebecca L. Fleig vs John V. Fleig, marriage dissolved. 

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following: 

Maria Moctezuma, pled guilty to neglect of a dependent (count 1), class A misdemeanor, and possession of marijuana (count 2), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to one year in the Dubois County Security Center (DCSC) in count 1 and 180 days in count 2, all suspended to supervised probation, comply with all Department of Child Services recommendations and requirements, pay fines and costs.

Beronica Y. Dubon, pled guilty to battery resulting in bodily injury, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, all suspended to 365 days probation, no contact with Katrina A. Peraza Sibrian, 10 hours community service (after which probation will become unsupervised), pay fines and costs.

Jessica M. Messmer, pled guilty to forgery (count 1), level 6 felony, and check deception (count 2), class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 730 days in DCSC in count 1 and 365 days in count 2, to run concurrently and with credit for 58 days served and 58 days good time credit, remaining time suspended to 614 days supervised probation, pay restitution to victim, pay fines and costs.

Clinton L. Kemp, pled guilty to domestic battery committed in the presence of a child less than 16 years old, level 6 felony; sentenced to 450 days in DCSC, with credit for 53 days served and 53 days good time credit, remaining time to serve on work release, enroll in and complete Batterer’s Intervention Program through Crisis Connection, no contact with victim, pay fines and costs.

Gabriel J. Recinos, pled guilty to burglary, level 4 felony; sentenced to 730 days in the Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC), with credit for 66 days served and 17 days good time credit, remaining time suspended to 646 days supervised probation, no contact with Blake Merter, pay fines and costs.

James Thompson II, pled guilty to domestic battery, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 364 days in DCSC, all suspended to 364 days supervised probation, enroll in and complete Batterer’s Intervention Program through Crisis Connection, pay fines and costs.

Nathan C. Albrecht, found guilty of two counts of child molesting (counts 1 and 3), both level 1 felonies, and performance before a minor that is harmful to minors (count 4), level 6 felonies; sentenced to 30 years in IDOC in each of counts 1 and 3 and 365 days in DCSC in count 4, all to run concurrently, register as sex offender, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

Eva Moya vs Ruben Moya, marriage dissolved.

The Morris Plan Company of Terre Haute, Inc. vs Charisma McCarty, default judgment for plaintiff, $8,800.98 plus interest and costs.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs the following: Ana L. Reyna, dismissed; Ricky Mitchell, default judgment for plaintiff, $2,616.58.

OneMain Financial Group, LLC, successor by merger to OneMain Financial of Indiana Inc., vs Whitney J. Kuhn and Justin L. Keller, default judgment for plaintiff, $7,040.18 plus costs.

Professional & Business Collections, LLC, as agent for collection of Deaconess Hospital, Inc., vs Angie Carrico, judgment for plaintiff, $4,617.59 plus costs.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Brian A. Smith, pled guilty to operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more with a prior conviction (count 2), level 6 felony, and public intoxication (count 3), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in count 1 and 180 days in count 3, to run concurrently and with credit for one day served and one day good time credit, leaving 363 days to serve on home detention with GPS monitoring, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 180 days, pay fines and costs.

Amber D. Whiteman, pled guilty to public intoxication (count 2) and criminal mischief (count 3), both class B misdemeanors; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC in each count, to run concurrently and with credit for two days served, remaining time suspended to 361 days supervised probation, 40 hours community service, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, pay restitution if any is due to Jasper Police Department, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Dale Thomas Barber, dismissed.

Jesse Aaron Myers, pled guilty to public intoxication, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to two days in DCSC, with credit for one day served, pay fines and costs.

Kevyn Palmer, pled guilty to theft, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, all suspended to 365 days unsupervised probation, shall not trespass at Jasper Wal-Mart, pay fines and costs.

Christopher L. Snyder, pled guilty to operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, class C misdemeanor; sentenced to four days in DCSC, with credit for two days served and two days good time credit (making sentence complete), driver’s license suspended 180 days, pay fines and costs.

Michael E. Norris, pled guilty to dealing in methamphetamine (count 1), level 5 felony, and dealing in marijuana (count 2), level 6 felony; sentenced to three years in IDOC in count 1 and one year in count 2, to run concurrently and with credit for one day served, with remainder of sentence to be stayed so long as defendant participates in and completes Dubois County Drug Court Program (after which defendant will be placed on one year supervised probation), pay $60 in restitution to Jasper Police Department Community Strike Force Foundation, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Susan R. Baize, pled guilty to possession of marijuana (count 1), class B misdemeanor, and possession of paraphernalia (count 2), class C misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC in count 1 and 60 day sin count 2, to run concurrently and with credit for two days served, remaining time suspended to 361 days supervised probation, 40 hours community service, contact court alcohol/drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Small Claims (New)

Lincoln Village vs Kimberlie Phillingane, eviction.

Diana Birkle vs Alverik A. Vazquez, complaint.

Jesse Dakota Prickett vs RJ Morgan, complaint.

BNJ Properties & Realty, LLC vs Scott and Linda Waddle, eviction.

Organ Law Offices, P.C., on behalf of Monesmith & Wood, vs the following: Sierra Snow; Norbert Schreiner; Caitlyn Ubelhor; Pamela Vanconey; Printice Ramsey; Brenda Reed; Beth R. Rhodes; Tim Robinson, complaint.

Carpenter Rentals vs Wyatt and Brittney Elverd, eviction.

Seng Pediatric Dentistry vs Kari and Tyler Bullington, complaint.

Small Claims

Medical of Dubois vs the following: Christopher M. Hayes, judgment for plaintiff, $514.19; Nicholas R. Henderson, judgment for plaintiff, $379.99.

Procol, Inc. vs the following: Kraig Kiefer, judgment for plaintiff, $1,331.50; Janet Opel, judgment for plaintiff, $297.58.

Hoosier Accounts Service vs the following: Stacy J. Merkley, judgment for plaintiff, $1,129.45; Morgan L. Rummel, judgment for plaintiff, $2,747.80; Hubert A. Bullington, judgment for plaintiff, $8,000; Jennifer A. Lawrence, judgment for plaintiff, $3,363.50.

Brenda K. Adams vs Jasper Herald Company, dismissed. 

Spencer County marriage licenses

Samantha Brooke Cron to Bradley Wayne Hamilton, both of Richland.

Dayton Rae Kring of Richland to Haley Marie Goffinet, Tell City.

Dylan Ty Henderson to Brittany Ann Titzer, both of Rockport.

Jacob Douglas Wolf to Tanya Rachelle Phillips, both of Dale.

Zachary Alvin Polster to Gabriela Estrada, both of Evanston.

Mitchell Ryan Dugas to Allison Marie Zoglman, both of Lamar.

Craig Allen Smith to Amber N. Kellems, both of Canal Winchester, Ohio.