Dale News Dec. 8, 1961: Roger Kaiser Pours in 51 Points

Roger Kaiser, New York Washington Tapers 1961 (Photo was not included in newspaper)

Roger Kaiser scored 51 points, including three key three-point field goals in overtime periods, Tapers outlasted the Hawaii Chiefs 123-117 in triple overtime in an American Basketball League game.

Kaiser, an All-American last season at Georgia Tech, bucketed 2 consecutive three-pointers in the third overtime which enabled Washington to move into a 121-115 lead.

The 51 points were a career high for Kaiser, who hit on five of 10 three-point attempts and 13 of 26 two-point tries. The 6-1, 190 pounder sank 10 of 11 free throw attempts.

The score was tied 89-all at the end of regulation play. Kaiser connected on a jump shot with 12 seconds remaining in the shot with 12 seconds remaining in the first overtime tying the score at 98-98.

In the second overtime Kaiser’s three-pointer tied the score at 107-107 with 20 seconds left.