Court News- August 10, 2020



Speeding: Amy Jo McMann; Bobby Johnson; Mahalia Moss; Ann Robinson; Samuel Allen; Anthony Shelley, $157; Marvin Peer; Anthony Ray; Sydney Grass; Edward Bloomer, $147.

Work Zone Speeding: Chelsey Brown, $457.

Small Claims (New)

Linc Jones vs Bobby Frakes, complaint.

Small Claims

Margaret Grose vs Dakota Helms and Denise Sappenfield, order to appear to show cause.

Gogel Properties vs Joseph Meyer and Makenzie Tindle, order of eviction.

Civil (New)

Midland Funding, LLC vs Jessica Thomas, civil collection.

Summer Wilson vs Stanley Wilson, domestic relations.

Susan Lopez Perez vs State of Indiana, miscellaneous.

Rebecca Rickard vs Jody Rickard, domestic relations.

Crown Asset Management, LLC vs Hannah Fuller, civil collection.

Joel Cosby vs Julie Cosby, domestic relations.

Criminal Misdemeanors (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Michael P. Mayo, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; operating a vehicle with a schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in the blood; possession of marijuana; possession of paraphernalia.

Noe Elioneai Calat Tecu, operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, reckless driving.

Christopher Harris, leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving, intimidation, criminal recklessness.

Daniel E. Taylor, theft.

Michael C. Kuntz, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia.

Quinton Gaines, possession of marijuana.

Allen A. Hernandez, operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, reckless driving.

Jose A. Ramos-Mejia, operating a motor vehicle without ever receiving a license, failure to remain at the scene of an accident.

Kristopher M. Goffinet, public intoxication.

Criminal Misdemeanors

State of Indiana vs the following:

Carla M. Robinson, pled guilty to driving while suspended, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 120 days in Spencer County Law Enforcement Center (SCLEC), with six days executed and 114 days suspended to 180 days non-reporting probation, shall not operate a motor vehicle without a valid license or permit, driver’s license suspended 180 days, pay fines and costs.

Leeandra M. Bean, pled guilty to battery by bodily waste, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in SCLEC, all suspended to 180 days non-reporting probation, attend anger management course approved by probation, pay fines and costs.

Eric Plock, pled guilty to resisting law enforcement, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 188 days in SCLEC, with eight days executed and remaining suspended to 180 days reporting probation, pay fines and costs.

Criminal (New)

State of Indiana vs the following: 

Bobbie J. Spencer, possession of methamphetamine, driving while suspended, possession of hash oil, possession of paraphernalia.

Melissa P. Arning, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; driving while suspended; possession of marijuana; operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more.