Court News- May 5, 2020



Speeding: Ethan Truelove, $157; Shelly Libs; Susan Rapp; Lilly Key; Marta Barrios-Hayes; Jeffrey Logsdon, $147.

Seatbelt Violation: Carrie Bennett; Jack Smith, $25.

Failure to Provide Vehicle Registration / Operating With Expired Plates / Speeding: Austin Spinks, $150.

Driving Left of Center / Littering / No Valid Driver’s License: Travis Schoening, $150.

Civil (New)

Rabeea, Ghaidaa, Aesha, and Hajar and Khadeeja Alhasan (by Rabeea Alhasan) vs Ryan A. Russell and Kentucky Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance, civil tort.

Suzann Jones vs State of Indiana, miscellaneous.

Summitt Trucking, LLC vs Kincaid Insurance Group, Inc., civil plenary.

In Re the Guardianship of Lillian Williams: Diana Williams, guardian; Jeremy Williams, natural parent.

In Re the Guardianship of Brooklyn Williams: Diana Williams, guardian; Jeremy Williams, natural parent.

In Re the Guardianship of Ellie Williams: Diana Williams, guardian; Jeremy Williams, natural parent.

DNF Associates, LLC vs Connie Brinkley a/k/a Connie Havener, civil collection.

Steven Kibbons vs Starlene Kibbons, domestic relations.

Gateway Financial Solutions vs Dillon Coleman, civil collection.

Chelsea Critchfield vs Ford Motor Company, civil plenary.

Small Claims (New)

Spencer County Bank vs Kenneth Pritchard, complaint.

Small Claims

Gogel Properties vs Kris Newberry and Diversity-VUTEQ, order terminating garnishment. 

Betty Muse vs Justice and Mandy Williams, order to appear in court.

Evelyn Hall vs Richard Thomas, judgment for plaintiff, $4,000 plus court costs and interest. 

Criminal Misdemeanors (New)

State of Indiana vs the following: 

Mark E. Hearten, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, false identity statement.

Chaney L. Beckort, false informing, leaving the scene of an accident.

Jonathan C. Gillaspie, operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more; operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; criminal mischief. 

Criminal (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Jason E. Criss, burglary (two counts), theft (five counts), criminal trespass (two counts), criminal mischief (five counts), theft of a firearm.

Joseph M. Keepes, escape.

Perry M. Scroggins, miscellaneous criminal.

Wendy M. Johnson, unlawful possession of a syringe (two counts).

Virgina M. Glenn, operating a vehicle while intoxicated; operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle while intoxicated, leaving the scene of an accident.

Thomas L. Burgess, domestic battery (two counts), interference with the reporting of a crime.

Amberly G. Blair, possession of methamphetamine, possession of paraphernalia.

Probate (New)

In Re the Unsupervised Estate of Jeffrey Law: Alex Law, personal representative.