Dale News Dec. 8, 1967: Gentryvill Athlete Awarded Football Letter at DePaw.

Dick Walker

Dick Walker a senior from Gentryville at DePaw University, has been awarded a varsity letter in football at DePaw.

Walker received his third varsity letter award at the private university’s annual fall sports banquet Sunday, Dec. 3. Walker played offensive end for Coach Tom Mont’s surprising Tigers who finished 6-2-1 for the year and captured second (4-1-1) in the rigorous Indiana Collegiate Conference.

Walker played a big part in the Tigers’ success. in Assition to catching 10 passes for 136 yards and one touchdown, Walkers blocking helped the Tiger offensive line finish third in the ICC in total offense.

Dick is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Walker of Gentryville. He is also a varsity letterman in baseball at DePaw and a graduate of Dale High School.