Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – August 2, 2022


Kerstiens Homes & Designs, Inc. to Jennifer S. Blessinger and the Jennifer Blessinger Revocable Trust. Lot 14, Trinity Crossing.

Sheila D. Hankins to Geoffery and Kelly Zink. Pt. SE NE s15, t3s, r3w, 1.96 acre; Pt. SW NE s15, t3s, r3w, 0.21 acre; SW SE NE s15, t3s, r3w.

Tim A. and Cheryl A. Hilsmeyer to MT&J Farm, LLC. Pt. SE NW s15, t3s, r6w, 1.818 acre.

Rumbach Realty, LP to MH Properties, LLC. Pt. Lot 60 and E 1/2 Lot 59 (with part of vacated alley between Lots 38 and 59), Jasper OT.

The Estate of Wayne S. Hopster, by Kristi A. Hopster (personal representative), to Kristi A. Hopster. Pt. SE SW s26, t1n, r5w, one acre.

Steven L. and Barbara Goeppner to Samantha Jaye Lange. Pt. SW SE s4, t3s, r5w, 0.46 acre; Pt. SW SE s4, t3s, r5w, 0.23 acre.

The Estate of Robert W. Cook, by Courtney L. Cooney and Kyle R. Cook (personal representatives), to Randall D. and Linda A. Ytterberg. Lot 32, Silver Springs II.

Travis R. Butler to Glenn Hackney and Katie A. Knight. Pt. NE NW s1, t1s, r4w, 1.52 acre; Pt. NW NW s1, t1s, r4w, 0.30 acre; Pt. NE NW s1, t1s, r4w, 1.65 acre; Pt. NW NW s1, t1s, r4w, 0.24 acre.

North Indiana Investments, LLC to Peter Allen Tsuyoshi. Pt. NW NE s31, t3s, r4w, 0.55 acre; Pt. NW NE s31, t3s, r4w, 0.55 acre.

Paul W. Ingle to Miles J. Ingle. Pt. SW NW s33, t2s, r4w, two acres.

Zachary and Emily Leinenbach to Thad and Amy Leinenbach. Pt. SE SW s22, t1s, r5w, two acres.

Cynthia Lucille Hewitt to the Cynthia L. Hewitt Revocable Trust. Pt. SW SW s27, t1s, r5w, 0.31 acre.

The Estate of Henrietta Maria Bieker, by Christine Frederick (personal representative), to Sheila Lynn Bieker. Pt. NW NE s1, t2s, r5w, one acre; Pt. NW NE s1, t2s, r5w, 0.08 acre.

Stephanie Ann Hererra, f/k/a Stephanie Martin, and Marcus Carlson to Stephanie Ann and Gabriel Alexander Herrera. Pt. NE NE s13, t1n, r3w, French Lick.

Donald E. and Eileen Scherle to Jana L. Clayton. W 3/4 NW s4, t2s, r5w, 1.17 acre. 

Russell A. and Jana L. Clayton to Donald E. and Eileen Scherle (Life Estate) and Russell A. and Jana L. Clayton. Lot 14, Cambridge Estates I.

Scherle Tree Farm, LLC to Scherle Investments, LLC. W 3/4 Pt. NW s4, t2s, r5w, 0.50 acre; W 3/4 NW s4, t2s, r5w, 113.88 acres.

Curtis J. and Sharon O. Reutepohler to NLNT Investments, LLC. Lot 32, Meridian Meadows, Jasper.

Vaughan J. and Felicia A. Buechler to Doris and Charles Hubert. Lot 5, Sunrise Estates II, Ferdinand; Lot 28, Henry Wagners Add., Lot 28.

Alexa K. Rasche to Terrence L. and Patricia Kay Rottet. Lot 74, Wind Song Estates II. 

Nathan A. Rasche to Juan Cruz Guardado. Lot 6, Ken Beck’s Second Add., Jasper.

William J. and Kimberly A. Aull to Samuel P. and Bailey M. Schroeder. Lot 80 and Pt. Lot 81, Shiloh Estates VII.

Melissa A. Allen to William J. and Kimberly A. Aull. Lot 21, Diamond Ridge Estates, Jasper.

William H. and Glenda F. Chappell to Glenda F. Chappell. Lot 20, Blemkers Add.

Terri Steinkamp Schultheis to Brian Maier and Molly Elizabeth Bates. Lot 2, Orchard Ridge Add. 

Ronald J. Kunkel to Albert Kinder, Jr. and Debbie Flamion. Lot 4, Oak Forest Add.

Gregory A. Schmitt to Gregory A. and Kathy Schmitt. SE NE s14, t1s, r6w; NE SE s14, t1s, r6w; Pt. SE SE s14, t1s, r6w, 14.48 acres.

Kathleen J. Schnaus to Stanley W. and Kathleen J. Schnaus. N 1/2 Se s13, t2s, r5w, 18.27 acres.

Jessica M. Welp Crosby to Daniel V. and Jessica M. Crosby. S 3/4 SE NE s30, t1s, r5w, 0.99 acre; Pt. SE NE s30, t1s, r5w, 2.011 acres.

The Estate of Omer E. Mitchell, by Lisa Moore (personal representative), to Lisa Moore. Pt. NW SE s24, t2s, r6w, one acre.

Michael K. and Cheryl A. Sergesketter to Ethan and Cheyenne Eckert. Pt. SE SE s23, t3s, r6w, 5.50 acres.

Phil R. Schroering and TNLN, LLC to Alexander J. and Jordan E. Neukam. Lot 149 and Pt. Lot 148, Northwood Park Add.