Managing Concerns About Falls class to be offered in Chrisney


Generations’ A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls will be offered at the Spencer County Youth and Community Center (4-H Fairgrounds), 1101 E County Rd 800 N in Chrisney, beginning Friday, October 2 and continuing each Friday through November 20. Classes will be held from 9-11 a.m. 

Have you turned down a chance to go out with family or friends because you were concerned about falling? Have you cut down on a favorite activity because you might fall? If so, A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls is a program for you.

Fear of falling can be just as dangerous as falling itself. People who develop this fear often limit their activities, which can result in severe physical weakness, making the risk of falling even greater. Many older adults also experience increased isolation and depression when they limit their interactions with family and friends. A Matter of Balance can help people improve their quality of life and remain independent. A Matter of Balance is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. Participants learn to set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance.

This eight-week program is offered free of charge, but pre-registration is required. Spots are limited and masks are required. A workbook will be provided for participants. This project is supported by the University of Southern Indiana’s Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Proud partners are University of Southern Indiana, Deaconess Clinic, Generations and SWIRCA & More. This program will be facilitated by Purdue Extension and the Tri-County YMCA.  

To register, contact Megan Jaspersen at 513-403-7381 by September 30. For more information about A Matter of Balance, or if your agency or business is interested in hosting a workshop, contact Alma Kramer at 812-888-4527 or [email protected].

Generations is a program of Vincennes University’s Community Services Division.