Photo Gallery: Summer Adventures at Lincoln Heritage Public Library


DALE – Summer fun has begun at the Lincoln Heritage Public Library’s Dale branch. Kids from around the community partook in a number of entertaining and educational activities at the library Thursday to get the most of a sunny summer day.

Activities included both practical life skills and more esoteric experi- ments. Kids got a chance to practice bike safety practices outside the library, following a straight line or maneuvering around safety cones as the situation warrants.

Other activities included the ev- er-popular “elephant’s toothpaste” experiment. Elephant’s toothpaste is a foamy substance that can be cre- ated with a few simple ingredients, often erupting like a volcano under certain conditions.

Summer activities will continue all season. The Dale branch will host a movie every Monday at 1 p.m. (apart from June 19). Movies include G- and PG-rated selections. Check the library’s Facebook for listings.

Storytime Social Hour will be held every Tuesday except for July 4 at 9:30 a.m. This program aims to improve literacy and motor skills for kids aged two to five. Siblings are welcome.

The library will also host “hang outs” every Wednesday at 12:15 p.m. This Wednesday will be a Lego Masters theme, followed by laser tag June 21, track builders June 28, spa day July 5 and water wars July 12.

Check the LHPL website or Facebook for more activities this summer.

Photos by Sierra Bruggeman