Remembering the 1970 Dale Fall Festival


The town of Dale was unusually quiet last weekend. Normally, it would have been the weekend of the annual Dale Fall Festival, but unfortunately, the event was canceled this year due to COVID-19. 

So instead, we at the Spencer County Leader hope you have some fun reflecting on the 1970 Dale Fall Festival, which was held 50 years ago last weekend. Below is a recap that ran in the September 18, 1970 issue of The Dale News. 

Pam Flamion, 1970 Festival Queen

Lovely Miss Pam Flamion Crowned 1970 Dale Fall Festival Queen

Miss Pam Flamion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flamion of Dale, was voted by judges to be “Miss Dale Fall Festival” in ceremonies held Friday night in the new David Turnham Educational Center Auditorium, and the big 2-day festival was officially launched.

Miss Flamion, a senior at Dale high school, was one of nine young ladies who competed for the crown. Her talent performance was an acrobatic dance to the tune of “I’m an old cow hand”. She displayed poise and dexterity. Candidates were also judged in swim suits and evening gowns. 

First runner-up was Miss Winnie Dougan, also a senior at Dale high. Miss Susan Coultis was second runner-up.

Ron Conner served as master of ceremonies. Miss Dana Huebschman was organist and furnished musical entertainment during the program. John Wahl and Bobbie Van Winkle served as escorts to the queen candidates. Other contestants who participated were: Karen Foertsch, Mary Muth, Linda Snyder, Beverly Alley, Carolyn Morrison and Sherry Buickel.

Judges for the queen contest were Miss Sonya Anderson, Miss Santa Claus of the Miss Indiana pageant; Jim Embry, who emcees the morning show on WTVW channel 7 at Evansville; and Gary Ochs, Region 7 Jaycees president.

Last year’s queen, Linda Fuchs Vincent, was present and sang “More”, the song she sang in the talent portion of the 1969 pageant. She was accompanied by Vicki Witte on guitar. Her last official act was to crown the new Dale queen.

How Can You Lose In The Festival Pet Parade?

“Most Original” entry won by Wayne Equipment
Sharon Guth Woolliest Pet Lamb
Smallest pet, a turtle, owned by Sheila Pund

All twenty pets entered in the pet parade Saturday morning were awarded prizes. 

Mrs. Jane Davis, director of the Pet Parade, lists the names of the boys and girls and their pets: Lisa VanWinkle, best groomed, Chihuahua dog; Melanie Davis, most unusual, cat in a birdcage, “The Cat Who Ate the Canary”; Sheila Pund, smallest, turtle in a bun basket; Anna Cooper, largest pet, pony; Karen Snyder, most tricks, Collie dog; Lisa Harper, happiest, bulldog; Sandy Mullen, shortest, guinea pig; Dave York, longest, Basset hound; Sharon Guth, wooliest, lamb; Robbie Seneff, longest tail, German Shepherd; Susan Logsdon, shortest tail, Chinese pug; Donna Barnett, best behaved, puppy; Annette Gogel, loudest, Penelope, red young pig; Larry York, quietest, cat; Tracy Barnett, saddest, puppy; Karen Atkins, noisiest, dog; Anna Cooper, crooked tail, dog; Linda Mullen, best dressed, cat; Cindy Pund, prettiest eyes, bulldog; Valerie Davis, fuzziest, poodle.

Each of the contestants were awarded a dollar. 

Parade Winners Include Trophies For Floats And Marching Band

Chrisney high school’s band placed first in the Dale Fall Festival parade Saturday afternoon. The 67 members were under the direction of John D. McCulley. Accepting the trophy for Chrisney band was majorette Beth Varner.

“Prettiest Float” entry was by Schum Monuments

Schum Monuments of Dale took the trophy for having the Prettiest Float. Theme of their float was “Lest We Forget”. Benno Schum accepted the trophy.

“Most Original Float” entry was by Wayne Equipment

Most Original Float winner was Wayne Equipment, whose theme “Shoot For Higher Yields” was interestingly carried out. Wayne Guth, owner of Wayne Equipment, accepted the trophy. Judges in Saturday’s parade were Joe Aaron, Jim Ficker and Walt Lowe.

Linda Vincent 1969 Miss Dale Fall Fest
Cheli Burke Miss Spencer County
Sonya Anderson Miss Santa Claus

The parade was led by Dale Police, followed by State police and Spencer County Sheriff. Following were Abe Lincoln Post Color Guards, Legionnaires and fire truck, Dale Fire Truck, Town Board members, Jim Wetzel and Louis Bennett, Chrisney high school band, Dale Cadette Scouts, Brownies and Girl Scouts, Becher Bros. Meats, J. Winkler Co. truck, Lin-Gas truck, Colonial Cafeteria Station Wagon, three convertibles of Democratic candidates, Chrisney Fire truck, five antique cars, Schum Monument float, Haubstadt band, Miss Santa Claus (Sonya Anderson) in convertible, Miss Spencer County (Chelia Burk), Mrs. Linda Fuchs Vincent (1969 Dale Queen), Queen float, dune buggy driven and built by Doyle McIntosh pulling Jeannie behind in a child’s wagon, tractor wagon with Republican candidates, Holiday Foods & Snow Flake Restaurant float, Lincoln National Park, Dale high school band, Two Willis Wrote vehicles (Mol-Mix Liquid Feeds), Nord Motor Sales, Pinto driven by Narl Conner of Conner Ford Sales, buggy and pony driven by Hilbert Cooper, and saddle pony rode by Anna Cooper in cowgirl dress.

Many Thanks To All For Successful Fall Festival

Members of the Dale Town Board would like to express their appreciation for all support of the annual Fall Festival. 1970’s festival was the biggest turnout ever! 

Those on the steering committee were: Bob VanWinkle, Steve Schroer, Marge Schmitt, Rita Snyder, Sandy Troth, Jean Witte and Norma Ficker.

In charge of the various stands were: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Deller and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Seifert, frying chicken; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wolzenski and crew at the food stand; Jim Potter, beer garden; Ken Musgrave, rides; Joe Zoglman, prizes; Claude Gogel and Keith Greulich, games; Rich Lubbehusen, novelty stand and dunking booth; Ron Etienne and crew, public party; Kenneth Schaaf, parade; Leroy Hemmerlein, baked beans; plus the many people who worked long hours in all of these stands.

Special thanks are extended to the various chairmen: Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wolzenksi, Jim Potter, Rich Lubbehusen, Kenny Musgrave, Mrs. Rita Schaefer, Steve Schroer, Joe Zoglman, Ken Schaaf, Glenn Guth, Dale Police, Indiana State Police, and Spencer County Sheriff department. Without these chairmen and their assistants, there would not have been a festival. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as we enjoyed putting it all together.