South Spencer School Corporation re-entry plan


Following is a reference for changes in policy and procedures for the 2020-2021 school year within South Spencer Schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Important Note from School Administration about this ReEntry Plan

As we enter the 2020-2021 school year, we want to ensure you that our primary goal is to continue to provide a cohesive Pre-Kindergarten through 12th Grade program that supports every student’s academic and social/emotional growth. It is our intention to provide face to face education in as normal a setting as is appropriate and safe. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for many facets of our society. As we continue to navigate this pandemic, there may be some changes in our program. Any changes will be made with the goal of supporting the high quality academic program you as parents and the community expect balanced with the health and safety of our students, staff, and community.

The following constitute our plan for creating that balance of academic rigor and a safe/healthy environment. This document outlines policies and procedures that may vary from our South Spencer School Corporation Student Handbooks – 2020-2021. Any variations in policy or procedure outlined in this document supercede those stated in the Student Handbooks. Changes to this document will be made as needed to support an optimal school program while maintaining high standards for the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.

This plan was developed in working with the Spencer County Health Department, our school administration, our teachers and staff, and with other stakeholders in the community. The plan may need to be adjusted as any updated COVID-19 issues or information dictate. We thank all of our community members for their continued support for our South Spencer school programs. We know that we will continue to serve your children by providing a world class education. Our students deserve nothing less.

Your Partner in Education,

RICHARD RUTHERFORD, Superintendent of Schools

Board of Education

The SSSC School Board meeting schedule, tentative meeting agendas, minutes of previous meetings, policies and names/contact information of Board Members are posted on the SSSC website on the “School Board” link (​​).

General Information

It is the intent to open South Spencer Schools for face to face instruction starting on August 12 with the expectation to complete 180 days of instruction for the 2020-2021 school year. The number of days will only be adjusted in the event there are closures that do not allow for Virtual Learning to take place.

The chart on the corporation’s website shows the plan for managing the ever changing COVID-19 situation. This chart has been divided into GREEN and RED sections accordingly.


Schools are open and operating with normal school hours. Activities and programs may be adjusted to ensure the safety and health of our school communities as outlined in this document.


If there are identified cases of COVID-19 within the student or staff population, or if there is a spike in cases in the community, the corporation will work with the local health department to determine if they need to pause instruction within the school building. The number of days the buildings would need to be closed will be determined in collaboration with the health department as well. Current state guidance suggests closures would be between 2-5 days to allow for cleaning and contact tracing to occur.

If the school buildings are closed, the program will shift to virtual learning. Virtual instruction will begin the next school day after the closure is announced. If there are delays in starting virtual learning, parents and students will be notified.

The school calendar may need to be changed in the event school closures require days of missed instruction.

IMPORTANT: It is the corporation’s belief that face to face instruction is the best way to deliver instruction and services for our students. To that end, all students should attend school unless there is an extenuating medical circumstance. However, this is an individual family decision. Any parent who wishes for their child to participate in online Virtual Learning must complete the Virtual Learning Enrollment Form. Students will be required to stay in this option for the duration of the grading period.

School Calendar

The first day of school for students will be August 12. Scheduled breaks will be for both GREEN or RED.

The master calendar for the school year is posted on the SSSC website and each school’s calendar of events will be updated and posted throughout the school year at

Calendar and School Hours

IMPORTANT: All parents should conduct a Health Screening prior to the students boarding a bus, walking or driving to school, or being brought to school.

Every parent should check their child DAILY for any symptoms of COVID-19 or a fever.

Please go over the following prior to boarding the bus or coming to school:

1. Has your child come into close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who has a laboratory confirmed COVID – 19 diagnosis in the past 14 days?

2. Does your child have any of the following:

• Chills

• Temperature of 100.4͒ or more.

• Cough

• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

• Body aches or headache

• New loss of taste or smell

• Sore throat

If the answer is YES on any of the above questions, then DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO BOARD THE BUS OR ATTEND SCHOOL until you have contacted the school and a determination of next steps is made. See Student Suspected of Being Ill below. Depending on symptoms, the student may be allowed to be brought to school for a more thorough check up with the school nurse. Masks or face coverings MUST be worn by both the parent and student until a screening is completed.

Mask / Face Coverings:

Governor Eric Holcomb has placed an executive order requiring masks be worn by all persons age 8 and older in an indoor public space. This provides that:

While not required, masks are strongly recommended for children ages 2-7. Children in grades 3 and higher, as well as teachers, staff and volunteers, will be required to wear masks in school and during co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

South Spencer Schools will provide all students with two “gaiters”. These can be worn around the neck and pulled up quickly to cover the face when needed. This will help in teaching all students correct procedures and help ensure all students have a face covering when needed. If you would like to use a different mask or face covering, the face covering must not be of a design that creates a distraction within the learning environment. Please check with your building principal.

Masks and face coverings will not be required for students in grades Pre-K – 2nd grade. However, it is strongly encouraged that these students wear a mask or face covering.

Third grade through 12th grade students should wear the school provided gaiter each day of school to use in required areas.

Masks / face coverings will be required for passing periods in the hallways by grades 3-12 students, teachers, and staff. In addition, ALL students Pre-K -12th Grade will be required to wear a mask or face covering while boarding and riding the school bus.

Masks / face coverings will be used any time there is limited opportunity for social distancing. This may include classrooms in some situations (ex. small groups at a table, large group activities, when students cannot adequately sit at a reasonable distance apart, etc.)

We ask that all students bring their gaiter face covering to and from school each day. It will be important to wash these frequently.

If a student does not have a mask, one will be provided. If this becomes a repeated issue, a charge will be assessed for the cost of the provided mask. The fee will be $2 per instance.

Social Distancing:

Whenever possible Social Distancing is encouraged. Limiting face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Social distancing, also called “physical distancing,” means keeping space between yourself and other people outside your home. To practice social or physical distancing stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.

Hand washing/Sanitizer Usage Guidance (Frequency):

• Hand washing instructions will be taught and reinforced several times throughout each school day with specific times identified for PreK-5 students directed by teachers/classroom assistants.

• 6-12 grade students will be provided opportunities to wash hands before lunch time or as needed throughout the day.

• Hand Sanitizer will be provided in classrooms and in other high traffic areas where appropriate.

Ongoing Classroom Cleaning:

• Elementary – Students will be instructed to safely disinfect desks and frequently touched surfaces at transition times as applicable.

• Middle / High School – Students will be instructed to safely disinfect desks and frequently touched surfaces at transition times as applicable.

• All Schools – Disinfecting spray bottles and disposable towels for each classroom will be provided. Each building is supplied with a disinfectant to be used by maintenance staff for sanitizing as necessary in all areas of the school buildings

Access to Water:

Drinking fountains have been disabled, or made inaccessible for use. Water bottles will be the primary way students will access water during the school day.

• Students should bring a reusable water bottle to school. This bottle should be clear and clearly labeled with the student’s name, and will be used only by the student. Water bottle refilling stations will be used to provide students access to water during the school day.

• Students are encouraged to bring their own clear water bottles to and from school daily. Daily washing of water bottles is advised.

Students suspected of being ill:

• Students suspected of being ill will be sent to the nurse’s office for a temperature check.

• Students with steady cough or other noticeable symptoms, but no fever, may be required to wear a mask upon returning to class if they are in a grade where this is not already required.

• Students with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater will be required to wear a face covering and remain isolated in the nurse’s office, or other designated isolation area, until personal transportation arrives.

• Emergency contacts will be used for contacting students and employees in need of transport.

• Students sent home with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed re-entry into school for a minimum of 72 hours.

Re-Entry after fever, COVID-19 Diagnosis, or for Persons with COVID-19 Under Isolation:

• The decision to discontinue home isolation for persons with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 should be made in the context of local circumstances. South Spencer Schools will work in conjunction with the Spencer County Health Department regarding Covid-19 “positive” persons.

• Students returning from a COVID-19 positive test, or having a fever of 100.4 or greater, will be transported to school by parent/guardian for screening prior to entering the building. Masks / face coverings must be worn until the temperature scan is complete.

• Repeated temperature screening will occur approximately every 2 hours following re-entry during the first three school days back in the building.

• Individuals with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater will NOT be allowed re-entry into school for a minimum of 72 hours.


Normal attendance procedures will be utilized at all schools (see Student Handbook).

State statute gives public school districts authority to exclude students who have a contagious disease such as COVID-19 or are liable to transmit it after exposure (I.C. 20-34-3-9). In addition, the local health department has the authority to exclude students from school and may order students and others to isolate or quarantine (I.C. 16-41–9-1.6).

In the event of a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, or if a student has been required to stay home for 72 hours due to a fever or other symptoms, The school will work with families on issues of student attendance. Whenever possible, students who are unable to attend school should participate in Virtual Learning Information on Virtual Learning.

If a student, or member of the household in direct contact with a student, tests positive for COVID-19, ​state and local health department officials will initiate and maintain communication. In turn, these agencies will work with the school in making decisions and informing the school working within HIPPA guidelines for privacy.

• A student who has tested positive for COVID-19, but is asymptomatic and must be quarantined for 10 calendar days or more can continue school work through remote learning and NOT be counted absent from school. The student must participate in Virtual learning.

• Parent/guardian communication with the school will initiate remote learning. 

• Students who are asymptomatic, but are in quarantine due to direct exposure to COVID-19 as reported by the health department or school, can continue school work through Virtual learning and NOT be counted absent.

• Parent/guardian communication with the school will initiate Virtual learning.

• The state health department, county health department or school officials can make the call for a student to be quarantined due to direct contact.

• Students sent home from school with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher will not be allowed re-entry into school for a minimum of 72 hours.

• Students returning from COVID-19 illness or related quarantine, and students returning from a fever of 100.4 degrees or more, must be transported to school by parent/guardian and temperature screened prior to school re-entry.

• A doctor’s or state/local health official’s documentation may be required by the school at any time.

Arrival Procedures – Car Riders and Walkers

Parents will be expected to screen their children before the child leaves for school.

Procedures for the Home Health Screening process listed above.

The school will conduct health screenings as needed or required. This may slow entry into the building. Please allow for additional drop off time in the morning.

Elementary Arrival Procedures:

Arrival procedures for car riders will be the same as is posted in the Elementary Student Handbook. However, students may be screened as required by the Health Department upon entry of the building. Screenings may include a quick question and answer and/or temperature check. If a screening is conducted, these screenings will be done as students exit their vehicle. Parents dropping off students should not leave until the health screening is complete in the event there is a concern that would prevent the child from entering the building.

In situations where the parent will escort the student to the entrance door (ex. Rockport Pre-Kindergarten), parents should work to keep social distance (6 ft. apart from other parents and students while waiting to deliver the child).

Students who walk to school will enter via the main entrance closest to the school office. Students will be screened as required by the Health Department upon entry of the building. Screenings may include a quick question and answer and/or temperature check. If there is a concern that would prevent the student from entering the building they will wait in the school office area in the nurses station for a parent to pick them up.

Middle School Arrival Procedures:

Students may be screened as required by the Health Department upon entry of the building. Screenings may include a quick question and answer and/or temperature check. If conducted, these screenings will be done at the door as students enter the building. Parents dropping off students should not leave until the health screening is complete in the event there is a concern that would prevent the child from entering the building.

High School Arrival Procedures:

Students may be screened as required by the Health Department upon entry of the building. Screenings may include a quick question and answer and/or temperature check. If conducted, these screenings will be done at the door as students enter the building. Parents dropping off students should not leave until the health screening is complete in the event there is a concern that would prevent the child from entering the building.

Students who ride the bus to school will enter on the west end near the English Department rooms. Students who are dropped off by their parents will enter via the main entrance closest to the school office. Students who drive will enter through the student parking lot doors. If there is a concern that would prevent the student from entering the building/attending classes they will wait in the school office area in the nurses station for a parent to pick them up.

Visitors and Volunteers

Until further notice, all South Spencer Schools will only allow school personnel and essential support services and/or volunteers within the school building. Visitation within the school building will be restricted due to COVID-19. This may change as determined by the school corporation or the local health department.

If visitation or volunteering is allowed, all visitor and volunteer requirements will be the same as outlined in the student handbooks and by corporation policy.

All visitors and volunteers must enter via the front door and sign-in at the front office. Visitors and volunteers may be subject to a health screening Q and A and/or temperature check as required by the local health department. This may include:

• Adults wishing to enter the main building beyond the school office will be “pre-screened” with a series of questions before being allowed to enter.

• Individuals with cautionary symptoms will be temperature checked.

• Individuals with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater will not be allowed entry into the building.

School Bus

All efforts will be made to ensure a safe and healthy transportation of students on our school buses.

Boarding the bus:

Parents will be expected to screen their child prior to the child entering any school bus. 

Students with symptoms or suspected symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter the school bus.

Masks or face coverings should be worn while boarding and riding the bus by ALL students and drivers.

Bus Cleaning- Ongoing

Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces in the vehicle at the beginning and end of each day and between transporting passengers who are visibly sick.

Bus Stop

Students are encouraged to practice Social Distancing at bus stops and to wear masks or face coverings as necessary.

Bus Seating (Student Distancing)

• It is required that masks and face coverings be worn for the duration of the bus ride.

• To the greatest extent possible, students shall be spread out on school buses to limit physical and face to face contact. Requirements for physical distancing may not be feasible in all situations on school buses, but all efforts possible will be made to observe physical distancing.

• Students will have assigned seats.

• When possible, only household members will share bus seats.

• Bus Drivers will be required to wear masks and/or face shields.

• Drivers may remove face coverings to drive as necessary.

• Bus windows will be open as much as is reasonably possible.

Food Services – Breakfast and Lunch Program

Children need healthy meals to learn. South Spencer School Corporation offers healthy meals every school day. Students may participate in the breakfast and lunch program that is operated in accordance with federal, state, and local laws and health guidelines. Breakfast and lunch service will be adjusted as our local health department determines is best for the health and wellbeing of our students and staff.


Breakfast will be served as a “Grab and Go” option at all buildings. This will be eaten in the classroom at the Rockport and Luce. Location and procedures for pick up of breakfast will vary depending on the school and age of the students.


Lunches will be served in the school cafeterias. Box lunches will be provided to students as the buffet lines will not be in operation. Procedures for delivery of the box lunches will vary depending on the building and age level. Example, in the elementary schools students will take a seat as they enter the cafeteria, and a lunch will be brought to them. High School and Middle School will receive a box lunch in the serving line and then take a seat in the cafeteria.

Students may bring in a sack lunch from home, but nothing will be allowed to be shared with other students.

No outside food (such as fast food, pizza…) will be allowed to be brought into the school for a student during the school day.

Individual snacks may be brought in by students, but these should not be shared. These should follow the South Spencer Health Plan.

School Instructional Programs

In Class Instruction

• Student seating will be spread out to the greatest extent possible with classroom furniture arrangements.

• Masks will be required for all students grades 3rd – 12th and are recommended for students in grades PreK-2nd.

Special Education and Title 1 Services

• Special Education Meetings, Evaluations and IEP Decisions – All special education law compliance timelines for school districts will continue to be followed (evaluations, annual case reviews, etc.).

• Annual Case Reviews: Case Conference Committee (CCC) must use available information to determine the need to adjust the frequency and/or duration of services.

• Evaluations for special education services: No changes in pre-referral, referral, and evaluation protocols

• CCC meetings will continue to be provided remotely as needed using Google Hangouts/Meet.

• In addition to building-wide cleaning/disinfecting protocols, special education classrooms, resource rooms and

therapy rooms will receive enhanced attention.

• Considerations will be made for Students with Disabilities (SWD) who are deemed “Medically Fragile”

NOTE: If you are the parent or guardian of a student who has recently been ordered to stay home from school by his/her medical doctor due to COVID-19 concerns, please contact your school’s principal immediately.

Students deemed medically fragile that may incur severe medical complications if exposed to COVID-19 may be unable to attend school.

These students will require remote services that will be decided upon by the CCC and addresses their specific educational needs.


Services may be delivered on-line or in a virtual format, via instructional phone calls or other curriculum-based instructional activities.

CCC must consider technological competency and the need for assistive technology to support on-line and/or virtual learning.

We believe that recess for elementary students is important for social-emotional and physical health. Recess will be held each day as outlined in each school’s daily schedule. To support safety and health during recess:

• Recess will be held outside when possible.

• When possible students will stay in cohort groups.

• Face coverings will not be required during recess, but may be required when traveling to and from recess.

• Classrooms can utilize recess equipment but it will need to be wiped down after usage.

Hallways and Passing Periods

All students grades 3-12, teachers and staff will be required to wear a mask or face covering during passing periods.

To reduce the amount of time in congested hallways during passing periods, school staff will work to maintain the flow of foot traffic. In general, students will be asked to travel along the right side of the hallway.

Large Gathering Spaces (Auditoriums, Gymnasiums, Media Centers etc.)

• Student seating will be spread out to the greatest extent possible with seating arrangements in all large gathering areas.

• Auditorium/Gymnasium capacity will be limited to allow for greater spacing.

Field Trips, Release Time, and Other Off Campus Activities

Field trips are activities that are held off school grounds will only be conducted as appropriate and where safety and health considerations allow. Where we are unable to conduct field experiences, we will work to create virtual and in school experiences that support our students academic growth

Until further notice, there will be no Release Time programs.

General Guideline Changes Due to COVID-19

Birthday, Classroom, and School-wide Celebrations

Until further notice, the schools will restrict all outside snacks and beverages and other items from being sent into school for birthday or classroom celebrations. The corporation will work to recognize students’ birthdays via announcements and within each classroom.

Other school programs such as assemblies, the elementary monthly Character Celebrations, and other activities will be held only as physical distancing allows. The schools will look for virtual alternatives to all celebrations that require large gatherings.


When Virtual Learning is Necessary

In the event that a school building or the corporation are required to close due to a COVID-19 event, students will be instructed via virtual learning.

Virtual learning is different from previous “E-Learning” as it will be expected that students engage in online activities that mirror the in class experience as close to possible. This may require a student to watch video lessons that are either taped or live during the school day

We strongly encourage all families to have students attend face to face instruction within the school building. However, we recognize that this is not possible in all situations. Parents may elect to have their students attend school virtually. Any parent who wishes for their child to participate in online Virtual Learning must complete the Virtual Learning Enrollment Form. 

If making the Virtual Learning option, students will be required to to stay in this option for the duration of the grading period.

Student Attendance and Virtual Learning

All standard attendance policies will be in effect for Virtual learning settings. Students will be required to participate in learning activities each school day just as if they were attending school face to face. Activities and lessons will vary by grade level and class.

Students must participate in all virtual learning activities unless they are medically excused.

School Day: The instructional day for students who are participating in the virtual learning setting will be the same as for when attending in person. Students will be expected to be online or working during regular school day hours. It should be noted that the amount of time a student requires to complete an assignment or subject material may vary from in person instruction.

Student attendance (being “present”) will be determined by participation in the online classes and completion of assigned work.

• A daily “check in” will be required by each student. Procedures for the “check in” will be determined by the classroom or homeroom teacher who will record attendance.

• Work due dates will be determined by the classroom or subject teacher, and will be due typically no later than 2 days from the assignment date. Work not completed by the assigned due date will result in the student being marked absent for the class, and the student may receive 0 credit for the assignment.

A student will be marked excused if a parent has communicated with the school of an illness that prevents the student from participating in Virtual learning activities. Standard attendance policies will apply.

Internet Connectivity and Equipment

• The corporation is partnering with local businesses and churches to ensure all students have local access to wireless internet connections to support their attendance during online instruction. Information on the locations for wireless internet connections will be found on the corporation and school websites.

• All students 1st -12th grade will have access to a Chromebook for completing their virtual learning. Kindergarten students will have access to an IPad.

• Virtual Learning will be conducted primarily through the following platforms:

PreK-5th Grade – Google Classroom

6th Grade – 12th Grade – Canvas

An individual teacher or a grade level may elect to use specific virtual learning tools that align with their subject content. (Ex. GoMath online resources, Study Island, IXL). That teacher or grade level will communicate with students and families on how to best use those resources.

■ Tutorial videos will be provided on how to log onto and use these tools and links for these resources will be found on the corporation and school websites.

• For families that elect to enroll in Virtual Learning, the family is responsible for providing an adequate internet connection allowing for the student to participate in and complete all virtual learning activities.

Delivery of Instruction and Grades

The South Spencer School Corporation will designate current teachers to manage the virtual classrooms for each grade or subject. Lessons may be presented by a teacher other than the students typical classroom teacher for their subject, grade, or school.

Grades: The same grading scale will be used for students in the virtual learning setting. Grades will also be determined using the same criteria as students who are attending school in person.

Teacher “Office” Hours

For Small Number of Student Who are Absent Due to Quarantine or Who Are Enrolled in Virtual Learning When School is GREEN):

• Office hours may be during each teacher’s Planning Period for individual student cases. These times will be communicated by each teacher. If a teacher plans to use a block of time other than their planning period it must be clearly communicated with the building administrator and impacted students.

Entire Class, School or District Quarantine/Closure (RED status for a school or the corporation)

• Teachers will have daily office hours that will be well-communicated. This will be a minimum of a 180-minute window (does not have to be consecutive minutes). This time shall be used for communication with parents and students about their learning.

Virtual Special Education and Virtual Title 1 Services

Special Education Considerations

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) must be followed even for students choosing the virtual learning option. That being said, the school may choose to call a case review to update a student’s IEP to better meet the unique circumstances that arise with virtual learning.

• Students who receive related services (e.g. physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.) must receive those services on a drop-in or virtual basis, as determined by the Case Conference Committee.

Title 1 Services

For students who need additional instructional support, they may be required to participate in online tutoring sessions with a teacher or classroom assistant.


Students participating in the virtual learning option are expected to complete any and all assessments, district-wide benchmark assessments and state-testing (e.g. NWEA, ILEARN, IREAD, etc.) in a timely manner.

• Students must complete the class and district benchmark assessments on the date/time and in the manner specified by the teacher.

• Students will be required to come to the school for state-required assessments and any benchmark assessments that cannot be provided remotely.

Food Service

Students who are in the virtual learning setting can continue to receive meals by picking them up at the designated schools. Times and procedures for each school will be communicated. Meals may only be picked up by a parent or guardian.

Note: This service is currently provided through August 31 for students who are electing to participate in virtual learning. It is unknown at this time if the waiver will be extended past this date. After the waiver, students can only be served meals while at school.

Expectation of Privacy

When we are Green, virtual lessons may be recorded or broadcast live from a classroom. Students who are present in the classroom will be interacting with the teacher during lessons that are recorded live. No virtual lesson should be recorded or shared beyond the student who is to be receiving the instruction and a parent or adult who may be supporting that student’s learning. Violations will result in disciplinary action, and may result in exclusion from the Virtual Learning program.

Social and Emotional Wellness

In the first few days back to school, teachers and staff will be tasked with teaching new procedures, policies, and any other expectations, as a result of COVID-19, but re-engaging students, building relationships, and creating a strong foundation for academic learning will be equally as important.

Social workers, counselors, teachers and school staff will provide programs and activities identified through guidance from the IDOE on Building Community, Connection, Resilience, and Social and Emotional Skills. These activities and programs are intended to help students in the first few days back to school to build community/connection with their peers and staff and practice/apply social and emotional skills.

Increased Stress and Anxiety in Students:

Typical childhood and teenager anxiety and stress can be magnified during a pandemic and the need for social/emotional supports can be more prevalent in our students.

The schools’ Counselors and Social Workers are trained to be aware of the signs of increased anxiety, and teachers will also be trained in recognizing these symptoms.