Spencer County Accidents – April 26, 2021


Spencer County Sheriff’s Office

Passenger injured in run-off

Gustavo Arias, 31, of Huntingburg, was southbound on CR 950E when, he told police, the front driver’s side tire blew out, causing him to lose control of his 2005 Ford Taurus, which then flipped over into a field. His passenger, 34-year-old Adrian Pedro, also of Huntingburg, was thrown from the vehicle and seriously injured; he was transported to the hospital for treatment. Arias refused transport to the hospital and was arrested for having never received a license. Total damages in the April 14, 5:28 a.m. accident were estimated between $10,000-25,000.

OWI arrest 

A 31-year-old Ferdinand man was arrested and charged with operating while intoxicated after a crash that occurred Monday night, April 19, on SR 62 near Dale. According to the report, Dillion Gregory was under the influence of alcohol when he left the roadway  in his 2017 Ram 1500, traveled through a ditch line before traveling back onto the roadway, at which point he drove into a second ditch line and struck a culvert. Gregory denied EMS services, but a portable breath test showed his blood alcohol content was 0.19. He was transported to the Spencer County Jail, charged with operating while intoxicated, and a certified breath test determined his blood alcohol content was 0.240. Total damages were estimated between $10,000-25,000.