Spencer County COVID-19 update June 28, 2020


by Kathy Tretter

As of Sunday, afternoon, June 28, of the 44,930 COVID-19 cases in Indiana, 30 are in Spencer County compared with 258 in Dubois County, 118 in Perry County and 190 in Warrick County. One Spencer Countian lost her life to the disease while six died in Dubois County, seven in Perry County and 29 in Warrick County.

It’s hard to get a read on where the cases are in Spencer County because if the population within a zip code is less than 1,500 or there are less than five cases, the state’s monitor lists that information as suppressed. However, if there are no cases within an area code the monitor lists “no cases.” The numbers break down this way: Dale, 47523, five cases, no cases in 47579 (Santa Claus) and 47617 (Hatfield) and the remainder, 47611 (Chrisney), 47635 (Rockport), 47537 (Gentryville), 47634 (Richland), 47577 (St. Meinrad) and 47531 (Fulda) are all suppressed.

The low numbers could be the result of fewer people being tested since there is no testing site within the county.

During Governor Holcomb’s last press conference, Indiana’s top health officer, Dr. Kristine Box, again relayed the importance of wearing masks because 43% of those who have become infected with COVID-19 show no symptoms. “Younger adults feel invincible,” she noted, “but you’re not just putting yourself at risk. If you knew you had given it to people who have died it would be a heavy burden to bear.”

Dr. Box continued, “Wear a mask. If you won’t do it for yourself, do it for everyone else.”