Home Government Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – December 6, 2023

Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – December 6, 2023


David R. Fisher to Dugan A. Kippenbrock. W 1/4 NW s3, t4s, r5w, five acres.

Saudra K. Bennett to Michael T. and Tina R. Marchand. Lots 74, 79, 82 and 87, Lamar 1st Add., Grandview.

Bryant Commercial Single, LLC to Fortner Trucking, LLC. Pt. NW s23, t7s, r6w.

Pamela J. Garrett Revocable Living Trust by Pamela J. Garrett, trustee to Wesley O. and Laura M. Coomer. Pt. SW NW s15, t7s, r6w, 14 acres, Rockport.

James C. and Shannon L. Collins to Nickolas A. and Ashley M. Teaford. Pt SW SW s28, t4s, r5w, 3.09 acres; S 1/2 SE s29, t4s, r5w, Dale.

Braunamma, LLC to Arnold H. Braun. E 1/2 SE s17, t6s, r5w, 80 acres; SW SE NE s17, t6s, r5w, 10 acres, Grandview.

Arnold H. Braun to Arnold H. Braun Transfer on Death, Arnold H. Braun Trust Successor Trustee. E 1/2 SE s17, t6s, r5w, 80 acres; SW corner SE NE s17, t6s, r5w, 10 acres, Grandview.