Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – February 22, 2021


William O. and Cynthia M. Funston to Matthew Ryan and Amanda Kay Etienne. Lots 159 and 160 and Pt. Lot 158, Melchoir 1st Sub., Santa Claus.

Daniel C. and Melodie D. Barnett to State of Indiana. Pt. NW s12, t6s, r6w, Town of Chrisney.

Freedom Bank to Hunter R. Sandage. Lot 34 and 35 and Pt. Lot 31, Hackelman Add., Town of Chrisney.

Rita Uebelhor Verkamp to the Rita S. Uebelhor Revocable Trust. Lot 18, Evergreen Add 12th Sub.

Deaconess Foundation to Anna Sherbatova. Lot 94, Evergreen 10th, Santa Claus.

Charles N. and Jennifer Scarbrough to Richard and Rebecca Hunt. Lot 60 and Pt. Lot 61, L.G. Smith Add., City of Rockport.

Mary Kay Nordheim to Joesette Braun. NE SE s12, t5s, r5w, two acres, Lamar.

Jack L. Sheridan, Sr. to Cathy E. Sheridan and Jonathan T. Rush. NW SW NE s13, t6s, r7w, one acre; SW NE s13, t6s, r7w, one acre, Richland.

William Miles Byerly to Jennifer Wayne Byerly Head. NW NW s33, t7s, r7w, two acres.

The Mary Wayne Eble Revocable Living Trust to Jennifer Wayne Byerly Head. NW NW s33, t7s, r7w, 38 acres; SE s30, t8s, r6w, 0.8 acre; NW s32, t6s, r6w, 12.4 acres; SW s29, t6s, r6w; SE s31, t8s, r6w, 0.5 acre; SE SW s28, t7s, r7w, 10.09 acres; NW SW s28, t7s, r7w, 20 acres; NE SW s28, t7s, r7w, 9.91 acres; SW SW s28, t7s, r7w, 39 acres; SW SW s28, t7s, r7w, 1.00 acre; NE s31, t6s, r6w, 13.9 acres.