Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – October 12, 2021


Mary F. Allen to Wymond L. and Judy Myers. Lots 5, 6 and 7, West Hatfield; Pt. SW SE s18, t7s, r7w, 1/8 acre.

James Morgan Stevenson Trust, by James M. Stevenson, Jr. (trustee), to James M. Stevenson, Jr. Lots 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40, French Island; Pt. s5, t8s, r7w.

Richard Jay and Shawnda J. Bickel to Joshua and Jennifer Harper. Pt. NW NW s9, t7s, r7w, 1.401 acre, Richland.

Amanda and Shawn Needham to Aleksandr Berezhnoi and Anna Sherbatova. Lot 64, Reindeer 7th Sub.

Pawan Development, LLC to DCNK Properties, LLC. Pt. NW SE s8, t4s, r5w, 7.256 acres.

John A. and Mary E. Vaught to Brandon D. and Morgan Connell. Lot 27, L.G. Smith Add., Rockport.

Joseph H. and Esther G. Petrig to Yuriy Yusufor. Lot 180, Polar Shores Add. 9th., Santa Claus.

Robert N. Broyles to Yuriy Yusufov. Lot 239, Holly Shores 5th Sub., Santa Claus.

Lakeridge Partners, LLC to Brian and Dee Ann Woolems. Lot 17, Santa Fairway 8th Sub.

Ron Smith to Rhonda and Randy M. Yonts. Lot 33, Lake Realty Co. Add., Richland.