By Don Steen – Staff Writer ~ [email protected]
DALE – Superior Ag held its annual Agronomic Knowledge Day Thursday at its Answer Plot west of Dale, where various crop strains, equipment, and other products were set up for demonstration. The whirlwind event featured a dawn-to-dusk marathon of speakers, vendors and educational sessions on a variety of topics. To help busy farmers work the event into their schedules, the day was divided into two shifts.
As in previous events, Superior Ag speakers offered thanks to the Reinke Family for granting the co-op use of the ground. The Answer Plot was bustling with a huge tent to accommodate the crowd, as well as farm equipment at rest in the fields. Smaller tents and vendor stations dotted the rest of the property, allowing visiting farmers to disperse into tour groups and check out all the visiting vendors and speakers had to offer.
Todd Meyer, Agronomy Sales Manager for Superior Ag, gave the keynote address for both morning and afternoon groups that day. While other speakers would address specific topics ranging from nutrients and additives, seeds, chemical applications and so on, he focused his attention on the big picture.
Simply put, farming can be an exceedingly complicated business, not surprising considering that literally thousands of years have gone into perfecting it. A modern farmer in particular must be equal parts mechanic, chemist, accountant, and a range of other professions to ensure the basics of planting and harvesting go off without a hitch.
“There’s a million things to do as a farmer,” said Meyer.
Read the rest of this story in this weeks’ issue of the Spencer County Leader!