Local Businesses New Hours and Re-openings


It Takes a Village
Re-opening May 12th at 12 p.m. CST
824 E CR 800 N, Chrisney IN 47611
(Located right next to the Spencer County Solid Waste Management)

-Tuesday, Thursday 12-5 pm
-Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 12-7 pm

North Spencer Community Action Center
Hours will be until further notice

Food Pantry:
-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 10-4
-Thursday 12-6
(Please drive around to the back garage door and ring the bell)

Thrift Store:
-Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10-4
-Thursday 10-46
-Saturday 9-1
(Drop offs can be made during any business hours)

Pied Piper Children’s Resale
709 Center A Street Rockport

-Wednesday: 2-6
-Thursday 10-5
-Friday 2-6
-Saturday announced weekly
Shopping on Facebook with parking lot pickup. Reduced shoppers in store safely.

Saint Nicks Restaurant
Re-opening May 29th, take-out and limited dine-in patrons available.

Santa’s Lodge
Hotel re-opening May 26th

Spencer County Council on Aging
Transportation and homemaking services are still fully operational. We will continue to serve Spencer County residents to medical appointments and help with home chores.
Office 812-649-9828.


If you would like to add your business to this list email us with the information you would like us to to include.

Email: [email protected]