Christian Resource Center Looking for those who are in Need


As we continue to deal with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, our friends and neighbors are stepping up to the plate to assist the Christian Resource Center in helping the neediest in our community during this unprecedented time. Recently, we were blessed to receive a substantial donation from the Spencer County Republican Party and the 2020 Republican candidates of over $3600.00. The North Spencer Community Action Center in Dale also received a donation in the same amount for use in their programs. In awarding the donation Party Chairman Jon Winkler stated, “All candidates saw the need and contributed. Also, the Party dipped into their Treasury to help support the works of these two organizations. We hope this will be of some help during this tough time.” The Christian Resource Center is humbled and blessed to have received this wonderful support! May God bless and keep all of you. If you know of someone in need of food or assistance, please call 812 649-4946 Tuesday through Friday from 8:30 until 12 noon. Food delivery may be available for shut-ins or the elderly.