Full Moon 5K at Patoka Lake set for June 5


The race is still on for 2020! Registration is open for the Full Moon 5K taking place at Patoka Lake beach on Friday, June 5 at 9:15 p.m. EDT. 

Race 3.1miles through the woods on roadways, a well-maintained gravel and grass lane and paved bike trail lit by moonlight and tiki torches. All proceeds from this event will go to support Patoka’s non-releasable raptors; a red-tailed hawk, eastern screech owl and bald eagle.

Early registration is $25 which includes a race t-shirt. Go to http://fullmoon5K.itsyourrace.com to register. For more information call 812-685-2447.

If interested in sponsoring this event contact the Race Director, Dana Reckelhoff, at 812-685-2447 or by email at [email protected].

Patoka Lake (stateparks.IN.gov/2953.htm) is at 3084 N. Dillard Road in Birdseye.