Pioneer Planting at Lincoln Heritage Public Library


The Dale branch of Lincoln Heritage Public Library held a special storytime event July 8 to showcase some of the chores that would have been expected of a young Abe Lincoln. Interns Jaeger Loran and Ethan Bravo of the Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial paid a visit in costume, with several pioneer instruments to help set the stage. Those interested in learning more about pioneer life are welcome to visit LBNM’s living historical farm this week, where interns will be hosting activities for all ages between the hours of 10 a.m. to noon.

Photos by Don Steen

Featured Image: Lettie Puertzer chops down a paper towel roll while Marlee Puertzer, and Emma Dieter look on

Pictured clockwise from top left: The group plants some pioneer crops in cups. Jaeger Loran and Ethan Bravo of LBNM read a story about Abe Lincoln