Santa Claus Town Council: Declares local disaster


By Casey Uebelhor

Staff Writer n [email protected]

Resolution 2020-05 was adopted by the Santa Claus Town Council, on Friday, March 23, declaring a local disaster related to the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19). As a result, all building and facilities owned by the Town of Santa Claus are closed to the public.

All citizens are encouraged to follow any and all CDC recommendations, as well as those of the State and Spencer County Health Departments. League play and use of Yellig Park violating social distancing recommendations of Federal and State officials is prohibited.

The Water Department will not discontinue service to any customer during the emergency. Town Council and board meetings are now limited to essential or critical matters of operation. Members may appear in meetings by electronic means. Executive Order 20-04(5) will be followed.

The declaration of disaster will remain in effect until terminated by the State of Indiana or further action of the Santa Claus Town Council.

The Santa Claus Town Council is scheduled to meet again April 13. Keep watch in this publication, as well as on Spencer County Online for further updates regarding cancellations, change of venue, or other concerns regarding the Town of Santa Claus and its Town Council.