Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – September 1, 2023


Ferguson Family LLC to Jared and Karissa Nord. Pt. NW NW s11, t5s, r5w, 2.50 acres.

Kerstiens Homes & Designs to Lisa Globke. Lot 77, Holly Shores 11th Add., Santa Claus.

Gasser Properties LLC 5 to Kathleen Day. Lot 183, Evergreen 10th.

Deweese Construction Inc. to Sarah A. Maddox Barnett. Lot 181, Noel Shores 6th Sub.

Elf Lane Properties LLC to Kerstiens Capital Partners LLC. Lot 2, Town of Santa Claus.

ESB Properties LLC to Kerstiens Capital Partners LLC. E 1/2 NE s2, t5s, r5w, 3.26 acres; E 1/2 NE s2, t5s, r5w.

Elf Lane Properties LLC to Kerstiens Capital Partners LLC. Lot 1, Town of Santa Claus.

Jason and Brooke Blair to Kerstiens Capital Partners LLC. Pt. NW NE s2, t5s, r5w, one acre.

Santa Claus Christian Church to Santa Claus Cemetery Corp. Pt. NE NW s35, t4s, r5w, 0.432 acre; Pt. NW NW s35, t4s, r5w, 4.214 acres; NE NW s35, t4s, r5w.

Jason R. Terry to Jacob T. and Jessica F. Benningfield. Lots 85 and 86. Polar Shores Add. 9th, Santa Claus.

David W. and Barbara K. King to State of Indiana. Pt. SW SW s9, t6s, r4w, 0.072 acre.