St. Henry Heinricksdorf Fest latest summer event to be canceled


Will have drive-thru BBQ chicken dinners instead

St. Henry Community Club sponsors the St. Henry Heinrichsdorf Fest each year, and due to Covid-19, this year’s fest, slated for June 12th and 13th has been canceled. Instead, the Club has decided to hold a drive- thru for BBQ chicken dinners on Saturday, June 13 beginning at 4 p.m. (Eastern).

“The annual Heinrichsdorf Fest helps our Club raise funds to pay for a variety of events and projects for the benefit of the people of St. Henry,” says Carrie Sitzman, Treasurer for the St. Henry Community Club. “The Club uses funds raised from our annual Fest to pay for the street lights in town, and hold special events for Club members and their families, such as an Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Party and having Santa Claus visit with the children at Christmas each year, just to name a few things.

“Since we are not able to have our Heinrichsdorf Fest this year, we still wanted to raise some money to help cover the costs of these events. Of course, we also did not want to deprive people of our famous BBQ chicken dinners we have every year at the Fest!”

On behalf of the community of St. Henry, Carrie also wanted to say, “Thank you to everyone for your continued support and we hope to see you next year for the annual Heinrichsdorf Fest to be held June 11 – 12, 2021!”

On Saturday, June 13th, serving of dinners will begin at 4 p.m. (Eastern) at the C.K. of A. Hall in St. Henry (where the annual Fest is held each year). Cost of a dinner is $10 for half BBQ chicken, with potato salad, baked beans and slaw. No credit or debit cards will be accepted.

For more information, please visit the Facebook page, St. Henry, Indiana or email Carrie Sitzman at [email protected].