UPDATE: Spencer County Unicorns


Story by: Hope Davis

Many have seen or heard about this peculiar blue unicorn being spotted around Spencer County. The first sighting was recorded near Fulda, Indiana on Thursday, March 26th around 7:30 p.m. dancing along the side of the road in front of peoples’ houses.

Since then sightings of the illusive unicorn have increased. Many claim to having spotted the dancing creature in Santa Claus, Rockport, Dale, Mariah Hill, Fulda, Newtonville, Reo, Reo Heights, and even 231 close to AK Steel!! 

Where this mystical creature came from and why it’s here is still unknown. What is known is this legendary beast loves to dance, make people smile and loves to wave at people passing by. If you see the unicorn, be sure to give a big wave, maybe even dance along. And please let us know if you’ve spotted it! Continue following us for daily updates as we gain new information on this beloved creature and its whereabouts. 

If you spot the mysterious Spencer County Unicorn let us know in the comments. We would love to see your pictures and videos; for research purposes of course ;).


Please remember to continue practicing safe Social Distancing. If you spot the unicorn please stay six feet or more away so everyone stays happy and healthy!