Free COVID-19 testing this week and next in Spencer County


by Kathy Tretter

From July 1 to July 21, COVID-19 cases in Spencer County more than tripled.

You read that right.

The number of people diagnosed with COVID-19 was 31 on July 1. By the commissioner’s meeting last Tuesday, July 21, that number had climbed to 106 with three in the hospital (one of whom was in critical condition), plus the one death. Thankfully 69 have recovered.

Apparently state officials noted the rise as the Indiana Department of Health agreed to offer free COVID-19 testing for two weeks, Tuesday, July 28 through Saturday August 1 and again from Tuesday, August 4 through Saturday August 8, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. No appointment is necessary but MASKS ARE REQUIRED.

The testing will be done at the Spencer County Youth and Community Center (4-H) at 1101 E CR 800 N on the south side of Chrisney.

Anyone above the age of 13 may be tested regardless of insurance status. These tests are FREE. You do not have to have symptoms to be tested. However, you will be advised to home quarantine until results are back if you are symptomatic. Results are usually received within 24 to 72 hours.

According to County Commissioner Attorney Jeff Lindsey, Spencer County Health Officer Dr. Stan Tretter wanted to make mask wearing mandatory to stop the spread. However, Lindsey checked with the State’s Attorney and they are working on ways to enforce such an ordinance, but those strictures have not been determined. Instead, Lindsey drafted Resolution 2020-12, a Proclamation Regarding Use of Masks in Public Spaces Where Social Distancing Isn’t Possible. Commissioners readily approved it.