COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic


The Dubois County Health Department will host a mass vaccination clinic to administer 450 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in another one-day event!  This is a great opportunity for any eligible individual looking for an appointment or anyone looking to move up a 1st shot appointment.  

When: Saturday, January 30, 2021 – (2nd Dose will be February 27, 2021 same location)

Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 noon. (Please arrive at your scheduled appointment time) 

Where: Jasper Middle School – 3600 Portersville Road, Jasper IN 47546  

Parking:  Please use the NORTHSIDE parking lot behind the school building (follow the signs)

Who: Anyone eligible according to the Indiana State Department of Health guidelines, which includes any Healthcare worker, or workers at a health care facility with direct patient care, first responders with direct patient care when responding to an accident or event, long term care workers and residents, and finally anyone over the age of 70. A full list can be found at

The only way to receive the COVID-19 vaccine is by scheduling an appointment at  or by calling 211 for those individuals who do not have internet access. 

** choose (Dubois Co. HD Jasper Middle Sch VAX) clinic site for this one-day event**

The Dubois County Health Department wants to give a special thanks to everyone who made last Saturday’s clinic a huge success!  The participants who were so kind and gracious, the workers who were amazing, the Jasper Middle School for helping with setup and providing an outstanding facility, and all those organizations who made and continue to make donations. Without all the hard work and generosity from our community these types of events would not be possible!  

Once the Health Department can secure more vaccine, we will plan more events just like this to provide more opportunities across all age groups once they become eligible.