Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – June 8, 2020


Pennymac Loan Services, LLC to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Lots 4 and 5, McMahan’s Add., Huntingburg.

Doris M. Salmon to the Doris M. Salmon Revocable Trust. Pt. NE NW s26, t1n, r4w; Pt. NW NW s26, t1n, r4w, containing one acre.

Kerstiens Home & Designs, Inc. to Kyle M. and Kaci M. Greulich. Lot 5, Country Ridge Estates.

The Estate of Mary V. Steltenpohl, by Diane M. King and Glen A. Steltenpohl (co-executors), to Diane M. King. Pt. Lot 21 and 21, Beckman’s Add, 4.944 acres.

Diane M. King to Diane M. King, James L. King and Megan N. King. Pt. Lot 21 and 21, Beckman’s Add., 4.944 acres.

Dawn M. Detty f/k/a Dawn M. Cook to Joseph E. Detty, Jr. Lots 103, 104, and 105, Koerner’s Add.

Andrew S. and Anna M. Hammock to Kimberly Ann Mehringer. Lot 8, Southridge Heights Add., Huntingburg.

Richard P. and Kathleen Jo Tretter to Richard P. and Kathleen Jo Tretter. Pt. NW NW s7, t3s, r3w, 0.740 acre.

Richard P. and Kathleen Jo Tretter to Richard P. and Kathleen Jo Tretter. W 1/2 NW s7, t3s, r3w, 10.454 acres.

Edward L. and Nancy J. Eckert to Edward L. Eckert. Lot 66, Gutzweilers First Add.; Pt. SW NW s36, t1s, r5w, 1.223 acre; Pt. SW NW s36, t1s, r5w, 1.240 acre.

Bryan A. and Rhonda S. Groeninger to Alicia R. Nash. Pt. NE NE s1, t1s, r6w, 0.942 acre.

Mark A. and Catherine A. Kieffner to Mark A. and Catherine A. Kieffner. Pt. NW NW s10, t1s, r5w; Pt. NE NE s9, t1s, r5w, 0.623 acre.

Fair Landscapes, LLC to Matthew and Stephanie Fair. Lot 1, Fairs First Add.

Jahn Duplexes, Phil and Linus O. Jahn, and the Linus O. Jahn Revocable Trust to Phil Schroering. Lots 6 and 7, Maryville Sub.

Jackie Yokem to Jeffrey Scott and Sandra Lynn Berg. Lots 27, 28 and 29, St. Marks.

Eric A. and Kelli J. Curtis to Haley Kline and Evan Schum. Lot 9, Andrew W. Bergers Sub.

Gregory L. and Peggy J. Merkel to Charles J. and Taylor A. Cattoi. Lot 16, Sunrise Acres Section 2.

Dean E. Knies, Gina M. Knies and Bonita M. Knies to Felicia Lynn and Kaleb Lee Opel. Pt. NE s35, t2s, r4w, 0.43 acre; Pt. NE s35, t2s, r4w, 0.14 acre; Pt. NE s35, t2s, r4w, 0.82 acre.

Kathleen Ann Seger to Joshua and Sarah Clouse. W 1/2 NE SW s26, t1s, r5w, 0.28 acre, Jasper; W 1/2 NE SW s26, t1s, r5w.

Heather Morrison to Johnny W. Morrison. N 1/2 SE s25, t3s, r4w, 33.73 acres.

Nathanael Ballard to Martin and Amanda R. Loya. Pt. NE NW s35, t1n, r4w, 1.130 acre; Pt. NE NW s35, t1n, r4w, 0.908 acre, Dubois.