Home Government Grandview Town Council:

Grandview Town Council:


Asked for zoning variance – sent to Plan Commission

by Dean Bolin

Grandview Town Council found itself with a request that they were unable to accept or deny at this time.

Sherry Mills approached the board at their July 15 meeting regarding some property her family owns on Vine Street. (NOTE: As there isn’t an actual structure on the property, it does not currently have a physical location address.) They would like to connect the sewer and water for a camper trailer (my term – the structure in questioned wasn’t described in detail) to be located on the empty lot.

Grandview’s ordinance allows for this but only on a brief, temporary basis. The trailer may be on the property and used for a maximum of 22 consecutive days. The request could be repeated twice more to a total of 66 days, with the trailer being moved, then returned every 22 days. The original ordinance was designed to accommodate construction trailers used on large projects.

Mills invoked a hardship claim due to medical needs for her niece who would temporarily reside there until a more permanent solution is found. Adding to the issue are other family members who are also fighting medical problems of their own. The lot is roughly in the center of the medical facilities used by the niece for treatments and appointments.

From the town’s perspective, there are two issues to consider. The first is whether to grant a variance or not. The second is that if the variance is granted, would it start a precedent that could leave the town open for a “flood” of similar requests. 

Attorney John Wetherill eased the council’s mind on the second question. Each variance is considered on a “case by case” basis and does not produce a hard and fast precedent.

As for the first question, the town council is not the correct body YET. The town’s planning commission is the entity to hear the case and make the first decision. Once the hearing happens, if the commission answers “yes,” the variance is granted and that ends the matter for the council. If it’s “no,” the petitioners may appeal the decision to the town council. Because this possibility exists, most of the identifying details and reasons for the case have been omitted in this retelling in case the council does get to make a decision. 

The hearing has yet to be scheduled and notice requirements (particularly identifying adjacent neighbors) needs to be done, so no date is available at this time.

The council also:

• Accepted Building Inspector Don Winkler’s recommendation to condemn the structure on 211 Main owned by Owensboro based Rentals Inc. and have it demolished.

• Entered into an agreement with Swiftech-Indicomm to erect a communications tower on 115 Dogwood Drive to provide internet services.

• Heard the Superintendent’s report. Highlights include the state has completed testing of the new well (results not in yet,) the current project of line and valve replacement is beginning and the dock is finished, ready to go into position once the river allows.

• Learned the fire department had at least eight medical runs and one fire plus assisted Rockport during the Elm Street fire.

• Was informed the next park event is a tournament scheduled for October 19. They discussed refurbishing and/or remodeling the bathrooms at the park. Coming attractions to be installed include a new slide and a generational swing.

• Renewed the contract for Pigeon Switch Lawn Care LLC to mow the cemetery at the same rate. The terms is for two years.

• Learned of grantwriting efforts to create a Riverfest event in town aimed to occur next June. 

• Began looking at the 2020 budget.

• Set an executive session to be held on Tuesday, July 23 at the Fire Department to discuss personnel matters.