Real Estate Transfers – December 7, 2020


Daniel W. and Carol Ann Lauer to Old Plank Road, LLC. SE s22, t7s, r6w, 0.89 acre; NE SE s22, t7s, r6w, 0.104 acre, Rockport.

David W. Chandler to Joshua M. and Kristina M. Garrett. s22, t7s, r6w, 0.40 acre, Rockport.

John T. Hickman to Albert R. and Phyllis J. Hancock. Lot 14, Sandridge Heights Sub., Richland.

Quicken Loans, LLC, f/k/a Quicken Loans, Inc., to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Loan Guaranty Service. Pt. SE s27, t7s, r6w, Rockport.

Ron Smith to Brian and Lisa Mann. W 1/2 Lots 9 and 10, McCoys Add., Richland.

Mary A. Reed to Megan E. Kelley. Lots 133 and 134 and W 1/2 Lot 132, Carol Hills 3rd Sub.

Maurice D. and Martha L. Decker to Cody and Chelsea Meyer and Jack and Jeanne Janes. NW s34, t7s, r6w, 2.89 acres.