Spencer County Court News – February 17, 2020



Speeding: Tyla Bates; Rebecca Martin; Daniel Taylor; Thomas Ilsley; Joshua Logan, $147; Michael Veek; Katherine Goebel; Madison Curtis, $157.

Passing Stopped School Bus: Jose Ramirez, $147.

Driving While Suspended: Luciana Stepro, $137.

Operating With Expired Plates / Speeding: Teras McCullough, $147.

Disregarding Official Traffic Control Device: Richard Justice, $147.

Operating With Expired Plates: Elizabeth Hatchett, $137.

Speeding in a School Zone: Jonathyn Hatchett, $147.

Small Claims

Obermeier Hardware & Rental vs Lee Frobeter, default judgment for plaintiff, $1,039.77 plus costs and interest.

Betty Muse vs Justice and Mandy Williams, order of eviction.

Civil (New Suits)

Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs Zack Lear, civil collection.

Penny Snyder vs Brian W. Snyder, domestic relations.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs Susan Miller, civil collection.

Dwayne Marshall Harris vs State of Indiana, miscellaneous.

Midland Funding, LLC vs Amanda Henning, civil collection.

Indiana State Department of Health vs Priority Management, LLC and Frank Parsley, miscellaneous.

Service Financial Company vs Chelsey R. Holsman, civil collection.


Oakland City University vs Joshua Burdin, default judgment for plaintiff, $6,842.66 plus costs and interest.

J. A. Finance, LLC, d/b/a CNAC, vs Gary W. Spinner, default judgment for plaintiff, $7,375.34.

Citibank, N.A. vs Blake Gogel, agreed judgment for plaintiff, $1,460.

The Huntington National Bank vs the Unknown Heirs, devisees, legatees and beneficiaries of Randall L. Chandler, and the unknown executor or personal representative of his estate, default judgment for plaintiff and decree of foreclosure, $95,711.92 plus interest. 

Midland Funding, LLC vs Donna F. Dickens, default judgment for plaintiff, $964.48 plus interest. 

Credit Acceptance Corporation vs Felisha Gentry, default judgment for plaintiff, $8,287.84 plus costs.

Criminal Misdemeanors (New)

State of Indiana vs the following: 

James S. Brown, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle with an ACE of .08 or more; operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Joshua W. McManaway, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, endangering a person; operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.15 or more; operating a vehicle while intoxicated; driving while suspended.

Criminal Misdemeanors

State of Indiana vs the following:

Ryan M. Goins, found guilty of violating probation; sentenced to three months supervised probation extension.

Jack R. Huff, pled guilty to violating probation; sentenced to 68 days in the Spencer County Law Enforcement Center (SLCEC).

Johnnie Furgerson, pled guilty to violating probation terms; sentenced to 60 days in SCLEC.

Criminal (New)

State of Indiana vs the following:

Haylee M. Moog, burglary, theft, criminal trespass.

Brett P. Young, burglary, theft, criminal trespass.

Vicent Acosta, possession of a narcotic drug, possession of marijuana, possession of paraphernalia.