Medicine County Clean-Out Day


Spencer County Substance Abuse Council, along with Spencer County Solid Waste Management District, Spencer County Prosecutor’s Office and Federal D.E.A. are sponsoring a Medicine Cabinet Clean-Out Day on Saturday, October 24, from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. The four locations are Santa Claus, St. Meinrad, Dale, and Rockport Volunteer Fire Departments.

Here are seven good reasons why everyone needs to recycle prescription medications.

Did you know that: 1) Prescription drugs are abused more frequently than illegal drugs?

2) Nearly 1 in 5 teens has used powerful narcotic pain relievers for non-medical reasons?

3) The most common item stolen from homes is prescription medication?

4) 70% of teens obtain the medications from the homes of friends or relatives?

5) It is safer for the environment if we recycle?

6) We should never flush medications?

and, 7) the medications will contaminate our drinking supply. Let’s fight this drug problem together! PLEASE RECYCLE!