A Hop, Skip and a Jump for School


St. Bernard Elementary School students held their annual walkathon Wednesday morning, September 25. Kids jumped into the day with both feet as they proceeded through a number of obstacle courses, games and other activities along Main Street. Rockport Police Department’s Safety Pup even joined the fun, offering hugs and even getting in on some dancing. The walkathon is an annual fundraiser for the St. Bernard Parent Teacher Association.

Photos by Don Steen

Featured Image: Students played hopscotch on the sidewalk during the St. Bernard Walkathon

Pictured clockwise from above: The Safety Pup greets kids by Rockport City Hall. Students navigate a chalk course by the Courthouse. A can pyramid topples from a thrown bean bag. Kids decorate the sidewalk with chalk art. Younger students let loose on the green space by city hall for a dance party. Kids have a hula-hoop contest on the sidewalk. One girl waves as she walks through a tunnel during the Walkathon. Two kids race each other to the other end of a line of cones. Two girls have a dance party with The Safety Pup.


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