Dubois County Real Estate Transfers – June 15, 2021


The Olinger Trust, by Michael L. and Thomas R. Olinger (trustees), to Michael L. Olinger, Patrick A. Olinger, Eugene P. Olinger and Thomas R. Olinger. SE SW s7, t3s, r4w; SW SE s7, t3s, r4w, 80 acres in all; W 1/2 W 1/2 NW s17, t3s, r4w, 28 acres; NE SE NE s18, t3s, r4w, two acres; Pt. SW SW s7, t3s, r4w, 22.2 acres; NE NE s18, t3s, r4w, eight acres.

Leroy J. and Jennifer Betz to Mark A. Betz. Pt. SW NE s7, t2s, r3w, 0.157 acre.

Mark A. Betz to Leroy J. and Jennifer Betz. Pt. SW NE s7, t2s, r3w, 0.811 acre; Pt. NW NE s7, t2s, r3w, 0.019 acre.

Paul and Sylvia R. Kempf to Travis Ray Verkamp. Pt. SE NE s18, t2s, r3w, 3.18 acres; Pt. SE NE s18, t2s, r3w, 5.33 acres.

Kimberly A. and Thomas J. Beck to Nicholas J. Kress. Lot 8, Skyline Sub.

Cody E. and Channing A. Ziegler to Courtland and Mackenzie Betz. Lot 115, Mill Creek Park III.

Kirk E. and Heidi A. Reller to Trey Patrick and Lauren Elizabeth Reese. Pt. Inlot 21, Huntingburg.

The Life Estate of Lois J. Gogel to Blake J. Gogel and Lindsay A. Edwards. Lot 30, Brookstone Estates VI.

Ruth Meyer, by Gerald K. Meyer (power of attorney), to Gerald K. Meyer. Pt. SW NW s8, t1s, r4w, 7.73 acres; Pt. SW NW s8, t1s, r4w, 0.12 acre.

Brett M. and Emily M. Werner to Charley W. Crawford. Lot 20, Replat of Northview Estates.

Carol Johnson to Merle A. Hachmeister. Pt. NE NE s33, t2s, r5w, 0.60 acre, Huntingburg; Pt. NE NE s33, t2s, r5w, 0.03 acre.

A. Louise Jerger and the A. Louise Jerger Trust Agreement, by Mary Jo Fischer (trustee), to Carr Properties, LLC. Lots 121 and 122, Terrace Heights Add.

Dean P. and Ramona J. Seifert to Dean P. Seifert. Lot 102, Green Meadow Estates Eighth Add., Jasper.

Cassandra Snyder to Dustin J. Shepard. Pt. SW s21, t3s, r4w, 0.24 acre, Ferdinand.

Bradley and Sara Becker to Stephen W. and Jennifer M. Wilkerson. Lot 4 and Pt. Lot 5 (Replat of Lots 7, 8 and 9), Northview Est.

Juanita June Hile (deceased) to Michael A. and Richard L. Hile. Transfer on death affidavit. Lot 189, Badendorff IV.

Helena Alberta Leibering to Adolfo Ernesto Gomez Acosta. Pt. Outlot 1, Huntingburg.

Robert L. Ruckriegel to Lovella Ruckriegel. Lot 601, Autumn Creek III, Jasper. 

Bonnie K. Schmett to Mitchell S. Steinkamp. Pt. SE NW s33, t2s, r5w, 2.852 acres.

Jason S. and Anita Fraser to Jonathan L. and Tiffany L. Burton. Lot 36, College View Estates.

Diane Mary Fischer (deceased), by Ramona Roach (personal representative), to Scott A. Fischer and Michael J. Fischer. SW NW s21, t2s, r4w, 40 acres; S 1/2 SW NE s21, t2s, r4w, 20 acres; S 1/2 SE NW s21, t2s, r4w, 20 acres.

Scott A. Fischer and Michael J. Fischer to Fischer Brothers, LLC. SW NW s21, t2s, r4w, 40 acres; S 1/2 SW NE s21, t2s, r4w, 20 acres; S 1/2 SE NW s21, t2s, r4w, 20 acres. 

Roslyn Schaefer (deceased) to Sylvester A. Schaefer. Survivorship affidavit. Pt. Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, John R. Mitchells Add.

Michael A. Hile and Richard L. Hile to Justin Michael Knies. Lot 189, Badendorff IV.

Lovie C. Werne (deceased), by Jerome D. Werne, Terrance M. Werne and Phillip L. Werne (personal representatives), to Taylor L. Uebelhor and Andrew G. Songer. Pt. Outlots 8 and 9 and Pt. N 1/2 of vacated alley, Huntingburg.

Madonna L. Schroering to Ralph H. and Madonna L. Schroering. Lot 11, Algonquin Valley First Add.

Ralph H. and Madonna L. Schroering to Kurt M. Schroering. Lot 11, Algonquin Valley First Add.

Richard J. Schmitt, Diane Schmitt (guardian) and Ann Elizabeth Schmitt to the Richard J. and Ann Elizabeth Schmitt Joint Revocable Trust. Pt. NW s28, t1s, r5w, 1.20 acre.

Shiloh Properties, LLC to Josh Krempp and Nicole Lesniewicz. Lots 12 and 13, St. Charles Estates.

Scot Hughes to Jason J. Buechler. Lots 193, 194 and 195, St. Marks.