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Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center caregivers provide a peek behind the curtain


Although some believe “Covid-19 is over,” Caregivers at Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center have experienced quite the opposite.  In an effort to help the communities we serve understand, hospital staff are sharing “a peek behind the curtain.”

  1. Indiana hospitals are seeing their highest-ever overall patient counts amid a month long COVID-19 surge. Unfortunately, Memorial Hospital and other regional hospitals are no different.
  2. Memorial Hospital cancelled several elective surgeries on Tuesday, December 14th, due to the lack of available hospital beds and additional staffing.  Hospitals throughout the state of Indiana are experiencing the same concerns.
  3. National Guard medics and support staff are being deployed to Indiana hospitals to assist with staffing.  Memorial Hospital had six soldiers onsite from November 4, 2021, to December 2, 2021.  Hospitals throughout the state have requested and received additional support.
  4. Transfers and referrals are impacted when higher level of care hospitals are at capacity.  Patients throughout Indiana are being held in emergency departments until beds are available, increasing the time to receive care.  Memorial Hospital has transferred patients as far away as Cleveland, Ohio, Crown Point, Indiana, and Memphis, Tennessee.
  5. With hospitals reaching capacity, staffing concerns are heightened.  Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center has utilized their emergency management tool to reach out to all hospital staff to see who is able to assist throughout the next several weeks.


  1. Get vaccinated.  Covid-19 vaccines are safe, and they remain the most effective tool available to fight the virus that causes COVID-19.  Covid-19 vaccines are available for anyone age 5 years and older at no cost.  To schedule a vaccine, visit www.ourshot.in.gov.
  2. If you are fully vaccinated and eligible for your booster, visit www.ourshot.in.gov to schedule.
  3. We are asking you to return back to the methods that have been known to reduce the spread of Covid-19.
    1. Wear a mask while indoors
    2. Social distance
    3. Avoid large crowds and poorly ventilated areas
    4. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water
    5. Stay home if you are not feeling well.
    6. Be kind to others… especially our hospital caregivers.


  1. NEVER delay care for emergent issues such as chest pain, stroke symptoms, and cancer. Delaying care can have life-altering consequences. 
  2. Masks are required at all Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center locations.  Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center continues to take precautions to keep patients, patient families, and hospital caregivers safe.