Spencer County Real Estate Transfers – May 2, 2022


David A. Vaal (1/4 interest), Brenda K. Smith (1/4 interest), Garret Vaal (1/12 interest), Gavin Vaal (1/12 interest) and Gracelyn Vaal Durham (1/12 interest) to Quarter Ridge Farms, LLC. N 1/2 SE s23, t4s, r4w; Pt. NE SE s23, t4s, r5w; SE SE s23, t4s, r5w; Pt. s25, t4s, r4w, 86.60 acres; SE NE s23, t4s, r4w; NE NE s26, t4s, r4w.

The Brian D. Vaal Irrevocable Discretionary Supplemental Care Trust, by trustees David A. Vaal (1/4 interest) and Brenda K. Smith (1/4 interest), to Quarter Ridge Farms, LLC. N 1/2 SE s23, t4s, r4w; NE SE s23, t4s, r4w; SE SE s23, t4s, r4w; Pt. s25, t4s, r4w, 86.60 acres; SE NE s23, t4s, r4w; NE NE s26, t4s, r4w; NE NE s26, t4s, r4w.

Fifth Third Bank, National Association to 2 Guys and a Pickup, LLC. Lot 315, Holly Shores 5th Sub., Santa Claus.

Tony E. and Jill A. Mehling to Lisa A. Byersas. Lots 39 and 40, Noel Shores 6th Sub., Santa Claus. 

Cameron Forsythe to Michael Kordes. Lot 86, Carol Hills 3rd Sub.

Austin M. and Jocelyn R. Benjamin to John J. and Cynthia K. Jarocki. Lot 40, Walnut Place, Santa Claus.

Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC to Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Pt. Lot 2, McKeys Add., Rockport.

Nathan E. Smith to Andrew Karl Krock. Lot 30, Santa’s Fairway Sub., Santa Claus.

The Larry N. and Louise Henrickson Revocable Living Trust, by Louise Henrickson (trustee), to Henri & Sons Properties, LLC. Lot 257, January 1st Sub.