Dubois County Court News- June 2, 2020



Speeding: Matthew J. Smith; Nyiesha F. Lashbrook; Alexander L. McCullough; Logan M. Mehringer, $141.

Vehicle With Contents Escaping: Gene A. Fromm, $141.

Child Restraint System Violation / Speeding: Berenice Delgado Tello, $141.

New Suits

Megan Jackson vs Chad Jackson, domestic relations.

Circuit Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

William A. Allman, dismissed.

Evan J. Lindauer, dismissed.

Julia M. Cote, pled guilty to criminal recklessness, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 10 days in Dubois County Security Center (DCSC), with credit for time served, making sentence complete, pay fines and costs.

Superior Civil

Discover Bank vs Daniel T. Leclere, dismissed without prejudice.

Capital One Bank (USA), N.A. vs Jamie L. Beamon, default judgment for plaintiff, $2,005.24.

Bank of America, N.A. vs Gary L. R. Neukam, judgment for plaintiff, $10,628.68 plus court costs.

Distressed Asset Portfolio III, LLC vs Hannah Harkness, judgment for plaintiff, $705.76.

Superior Criminal

State of Indiana vs the following:

Amanda N. Rangel, pled guilty to operating while intoxicated, class A misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC, with credit for two days served, remaining time suspended to 361 days supervised probation to be transferred to Ripley County, 80 hours community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 90 days, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Evan Joseph Lindauer, dismissed.

Brittany N. Woody, dismissed.

Willie J. Freeman, dismissed.

Kenwyn A. Zehr Erwin, pled guilty to possession of methamphetamine (count 2), level 6 felony; unlawful possession of a syringe (count 3), level 6 felony; and possession of a device or substance used to interfere with a drug or alcohol screening (count 7), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 540 days in DCSC in each of counts 2 and 3 and 180 days in count 7, with credit for 222 days served, leaving 318 days (159 days if good time credit is earned) to serve.

Amber N. Chapman, dismissed.

Mark A. Durcholz, pled guilty to inhaling toxic vapors, class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 180 days in DCSC, all suspended to 180 days supervised probation, undergo drug/alcohol monitoring through court alcohol and drug program, pay fines and costs.

Allison N. Doane, pled guilty to operating while intoxicated (count 2), class A misdemeanor, and unauthorized entry of a motor vehicle (count 3), class B misdemeanor; sentenced to 365 days in DCSC in count 2 and 180 days in count 3, to run concurrently and with credit for 2 days served, remaining time suspended to 361 days supervised probation, 100 hours of community service, contact court alcohol and drug program director and comply with all treatment recommendations, driver’s license suspended 90 days, pay restitution if any is due to Josh Pauw and have no contact with same, shall not possess or consume alcohol or controlled substances, submit to and pass random alcohol/drug screenings, pay fines and costs.

Small Claims (New)

Birk Law Firm vs the following: Donna Lucille Dilley; Trisha Lee Birk; Clara Bunchie Hunter; Nery Alfredo Ayala Castillo; Derrick James McCracken; Cheyann Jordan Leal; Warren Joseph Dunn, complaint.

Dubois County LP Gas, Inc. vs Norma Breeding, complaint.

Small Claims

Hoosier Accounts Service vs Cassandra M. Cassidy, dismissed.

Organ Law Offices, P.C. vs Ashley Goodwin, dismissed.

Curt E. Tyler vs Radcliff Tree Service, judgment for plaintiff, $2,000.

William Yates vs Logan Thacker, judgment for plaintiff, $1,000.

Medical of Dubois vs the following: Jamie M. Howard, judgment for plaintiff, $243.12; Luan Nguyen and Lanh Doung, dismissed; Angela P. Allsup, judgment for plaintiff, $385.20; Charity D. Payne, judgment for plaintiff, $440.98; William S. Clark, dismissed; Courtney AD Smith, judgment for plaintiff, $417; Shanna R. Brinksneader, judgment for plaintiff, $396.07.

Ann Patterson, M.D. vs the following: Vicki L. Hill, dismissed; Deanna Hendrey, dismissed.